22, Jun 2024
It’s no secret what happened today, although it’s only an hour or two later, but it’s already well known. Now that Tang Ziyan is back with an angry man, it’s self-evident that something will happen.

Everyone who saw Tang Ziyan and Ye Guchen couldn’t help thinking about it in their hearts. Some people whispered and said, "Look at Tang Ziyan. It’s not easy to bully our boss. I’m afraid I’m in trouble. Didn’t you see that everyone came to the door?" Wrong novel network does…

22, Jun 2024
Or is it him who auctioned the batch of Dan medicine before? In that case, it’s okay.

On the third floor, the stone stared at Fang holding the number plate, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on the guy’s forehead, which was definitely what Ying Wuhou needed, but now someone came out and couldn’t afford it himself! If you can’t buy this medicine and it affects…

22, Jun 2024
But it’s hard to explain, especially Ruan Tianzuo.

Although Xu hates this guy who stabbed him behind the enemy’s back, it’s really hard to talk about killing him in Huaxia District. But it should be ok to hurt them! But it’s not enough just to get hurt! Xu denied that the warning was not enough. At this time,…

21, Jun 2024
It can be seen from her dark face that she guessed that doubt was correct.

Ziyun proudly took the initiative to pull out the Xuanbing sword and thrust it into the ground. Hua- The ground was immediately marked with a trace. Her body is trapped in a male. Chapter 657 Dark Elf 5 "You silly bird, stop moving!" Ziyun proudly scolds himself for being a…

21, Jun 2024

Rushing at the semi-lamella gun, the sunlight bloomed and instantly transformed a three-story pagoda with a height of seven meters, and the layers of sunlight surged around. Xiao Yu’s mind was moved by this three-story pagoda, which sometimes grew as fast as a mountain and sometimes shrank as fast as…

21, Jun 2024
"It’s …"

Princess royal Temple was too nervous to notice that his tone was wrong. "We will be the head of Prince Yu’s mansion." General Zhao’s dazzling brilliance suddenly receded. "It’s not as good as Yue Palace here." He looked down at a magnificent mansion, which made him squint and look at…

20, Jun 2024
"You don’t go, ok? If you leave others bored to death, you are in a hurry."

Be fidgety waved paws. Although he had secretly identified himself with this temple when he entered it, this happened to be the source of his irritability-the owner of that sound was an all-powerful person in ancient times who made the gods fear conan the destroyer, and this is not the…

20, Jun 2024
"The lure of hunting benefits attracts these monsters to hunt and hunt for spiritual sources, so that we can become stronger and stronger before we can be born."

Su Li looked at Ding Longyun in front of him. Although he killed many spiritual beasts, he was always in a passive state. It was these spiritual beasts that attacked him that he carried out the anti-killing. Seeing Ding Longyun at the moment turned out that he would actively choose…

19, Jun 2024
Huns on horseback are good at riding and shooting, which has always been a big worry for the Central Plains countries.

The history of China made several emperors in great dynasties extremely embarrassed. Even Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty couldn’t handle herding ethnic groups. I think this war is hanging on. Maybe the night emperor will be sent back to his hometown. Jingyan is the daughter of a hidden boudoir,…

19, Jun 2024
"Oh, I am white! Go and prepare linen! " LeiYing a clap a thigh immediately let linen ready to endure surgery.

"ah? My Lord, am I ready? What am I going to do? " "Prepare to send us to various units!" "What?" When others heard this, they suddenly froze. They didn’t even know that hemp cloth had the ability of deer for a long time and three generations had such a…