11, Aug 2024
On New Year’s Eve, every family in Youzhou lit a big fire in the courtyard. This is called that the courtyard is full of smoke and clouds, and the new theory of Jingyi is that every family is full of flames, breaking through thousands of tiles and walls, and making the streets and alleys of Youzhou City look bright.

Lu Chengqing, a Wei Zhi in the Chief Mansion, also hosted a banquet for the officials of the Chief Mansion, and the officials and generals were all toasting and drinking. However, the secretariat office was silent, but Li Chongjiu went to the street with his wife and children and more…

10, Aug 2024
How many days will Phobos wait?

Fortunately, Zhou Chuan has left the Unout asteroid with a long antenna to explore the location of the desert. Otherwise, Xu can be anxious to stay here! Just entered the arrangement room, Xu retired, and someone came and knocked at the door at the same time. It’s Ruan Tianzuo After…

9, Aug 2024
At that time, Bai Jing was already terminally ill. She used cologne and heavy smoke to cover up her rotten smell, and Xu Le smelled it.

Not to mention following Bai Jing for a long time, Gu Beichen and Wang Shu. However, this Kim body seems to be lighter than Bai Jing. "In principle, this Kim Lighthouse fighter’s head coach’s achievement method modifier is certainly not simple for her to become a member of parliament. There…

8, Aug 2024
Bo Luan Pinellia calmly said that Zhao Cuo suddenly had nothing to say. This witch is so right. If he is allowed to sleep every night without a beauty to be a pillow, it is worse than killing him.

"But it’s better to solve the problem of general. You just need to be clean. Of course, please forgive me for not doing it." When she said this, she seemed to have screwed up her eyebrows unconsciously, showing an uncomfortable expression as if she had thought of something bad. Zhao…

7, Aug 2024
Li Chongjiu turned his head, but saw Xu Shiji and Song Jingang, and more than a dozen generals rode together to get there. They saw Li Chongjiu riding together to pay homage.

Li Chongjiu helped the two men, Xu Shiji, with a face of shame. "I failed to attack Qingzhou, and I also asked them to blame." Li Chongjiu didn’t speak. Xu Shiji, Song Jingang and others were all depressed after half a ring. Zhang Xuansu said, "You can’t blame Xu Song’s…

6, Aug 2024
"How is Teacher An playing? Are we in actual combat?" Xu back in the mind listen to very uncomfortable.

"Then look at this." An xiaoxue changed the video direction and directly projected two split screens for Xu tui. One split screen is a picture of azari in the Indian Union District throwing down his opponent and rushing to make a bloody knife and cut his throat. Another split screen…

5, Aug 2024
Seeing this, Dalac was in a hurry.

He can’t let these people escape. These people escaped, so he didn’t say it was a breakthrough, even if he thoroughly refined and mastered Shui Yuan Palace! Dalac’s figure flashed to block the main hall of Shui Yuan Palace again. Harlan and others are all counting on Xu to stop…

4, Aug 2024
The land of China has always had two main places, namely, unified mountains, two tigers and two days …

So he hurried to remedy it. "General Wang Tian, a virtuous man, rose up in the ranks to expel Hu Lu and recover China. Can the general not be the Chinese master? Korea wishes the general to guard the frontier and never be a small China. " Su Yonglin hooked…

3, Aug 2024
The gun rang and nine flower shells flew out of Qingchuan County with a scream.

Round after round, nine guns in red fired five rounds of bullets in succession to wipe out the six or seven hundred Gansu-Ningxia new army The mighty Ganning New Army has rushed to a position less than one mile away from the wall … At this time, seven medium-sized mortars…

2, Aug 2024
Zhong Le was skeptical, thinking that it might be that the owner of this teahouse had never seen the world before, and it was too exaggerated.

However, the frontier fortress general Shi Dingtian was a first-class master in the Central Plains dynasty, but he lived in seclusion and often kept a low profile. Ordinary people should not be able to hear his name if they don’t really have a little contact. Two hundred gold is not…