15, Jun 2024
He carried out a series of reform plans, and the United States became the second country after Germany to get out of the financial crisis. Although the whole country is slowly but surely recovering.

However, compared with Germany’s policy of expanding and framing the crisis, the progress brought about by China’s economic reform is slower. In fact, the United States is still in a recovery period, instead of completely restoring industrial development like Germany.
Part of the United States decided that Roosevelt was eager to support Britain, and the British were certainly not stupid, so the two sides would not make any real progress for a while.
"What happened in China?" One side is worried about the situation in Britain, and the other side has to be even more distressing. The situation in the Far East is distracting. The China National Government lost control of the sea yesterday, but the Japanese army has lost 75,000 soldiers in this hasty attack. The two sides are still fighting fiercely, and the whole sea area is scorched earth.
The performance of the Chinese team war added another variable to Roosevelt’s calculation. He could not understand why Germany and Japan had formed an alliance with Germany, but the Far East borrowed China’s hand to severely pit Japan once. He was even more uncertain about what Germany was going to do, so it was not easy to choose the direction of pushing.
Of course, he will never know that the real pit day is the future situation of Germany. Setting a fuse for a rainy day is just to slow down the speed of Japanese aggression against China and lead to the late arrival of the Japanese war against the United States
Chapter 29 Berlin
This is indeed a worrying choice. On the one hand, Germany’s expansion in Europe makes the United States fidgety, on the other hand, Germany’s actions in Asia help the United States a lot, but Roosevelt finally believed that Europe was the root of American interests, and he was more inclined to help Britain return Germany to its original shape.
However, because Congress is holding him back, he can’t find another way to continue to watch the changes in Europe for a while. I hope that Britain and France can slow down and let the United States sometimes respond.
Now Roosevelt is in a very ambivalent mood. He hopes that Germany can hurt the British in one breath, so that the United States or the Lending Act he promoted can be accepted by the British, so that the United States will get the benefits it dreams of without bloodshed; On the other hand, he doesn’t want the Germans to expand rapidly, and he is afraid that Germany and the United States will win the whole war before they react.
Roosevelt sold American fighter planes to four British fighter planes in one breath because of his altruistic personal influence. These four main American fighter planes p36 are the most similar to the German foreign trade e19 fighter planes in mass production in the world.
This kind of fighter, which was intensively designed because e19a fighter was born in Spanish War, has a speed of 4 kilometers per hour, which is very close to the castrated German export e19 fighter. Although there are still some main performance gaps, it can hardly pull the gap between the two sides to the level of "World War I".
In order to get these advanced fighters to defend the territory, Britain had to spend a lot of foreign exchange to pay that scary bill. Of course, it is even more ironic that Britain actually got two e19 fighters from Spain and Finland in batches, and changed the painting equipment and equipped a flight squadron.
So we tried our best to get the system back from the German army. Of course, this attempt failed in the end. In a few days of fierce fighting, the German army shot down various fighters of the British army, including Wei, p36 and e19. Britain lost a total of 41 fighters.
This also forced the British army to look for more powerful weapons. They chose a super fighter that is still in the design stage. This fighter was named Hurricane by the British. They demanded that the new Hurricane fighter be equipped with large-caliber guns at a speed of 5 kilometers per hour. Britain has even deployed production lines in Canada and Turkey to prepare for the production of this more powerful fighter.
Of course, the United States has not been idle. They have invested their own designers to design the famous p4 fighter plane before the end, but this fighter plane is now returned to the drawings and put into production as soon as the hurricane.
Arcado has brought new changes to the world, and engineers and scientists from all over the world are also more cruel. Their motherland has developed the most advanced science and technology. For example, Britain’s new aircraft carrier has produced some buildings with non-main floors and adopted the German sectional construction method, which has also been tested in the United States. I believe it will be mass-produced soon.
Of course, when the world is trying to catch up with the pace of German science and technology, the Germans are not idle. Two German helicopters have risen from the weapon test site in the suburbs of Berlin. Several German defense force logistics department generals have demonstrated the rapid deployment of mountain troops like helicopters
All the generals in the site were stunned by the excellent performance of this new weapon. Two helicopters dropped an auxiliary armed German mountain soldier into the target area 1 km away, and also hoisted a large-caliber mortar and 4 tons of multi-war materials. All this took only one hour to transport the troops to mules and horses, and it took at least one noon to complete the deployment.
In the palm of one’s hand, the German logistics force announced the purchase of two such helicopters and follow-up models, and the German head of state and prime minister and other important officials customized more secure and improved models of short-distance rapid transfer candidate vehicles.
Of course, more confidential experiments were carried out in mountainous areas. The new German weapon "rocket" has successfully carried out short-distance flight experiments. This new weapon changed its flight trajectory according to line instructions and attacked the target. It was named "missile" by the Fuehrer, which is also the conjunction of guided missiles.
The fact that the United States disobeyed the orders of others made the German government quite dissatisfied. However, in view of their close and secret cooperation with the United States, such a wall-riding thing could not be stopped. For example, after World War II, the United States still left a large share of oil exports in the Middle East to its German ally Italy.
This kind of trade is acceptable to Britain. First, because the British navy has been defeated one after another, the British government has transferred the Mediterranean fleet, which has led to the fact that the strength of the British sea in the whole Mediterranean region is obviously inferior to that of Italy. Second, because the United States and Italy have not declared war on Britain at present, rash intervention will make the two countries turn to support Germany.
But even fools know that at least one third of Italy’s imported oil is sold to Germany at a high price. The American government has always been like a nice guy who said that he hoped everyone would stop fighting, but handed a pistol to everyone who quarreled.
The tragedy is that everyone should give this hypocritical uncle Sam some credit, because Germany, Britain, Italy, Japan and France all don’t want to push the United States into other people’s arms. They should try their best to please them and don’t want to turn their faces if they have to. This is the enviable geographical advantage of the United States. This is the unique skill of the United States in standing proudly in two world wars.
However, all Germans in Berlin believe in their omnipotent head of state. They pinned their hopes of winning the war on arcado’s personal victory. Recently, the German government launched a series of economic reforms and borrowed part of Roosevelt’s New Deal to launch a one-stage development plan.
The expansion of Poland and the Netherlands, Germany’s economy has been slowly on the right track, because it has brutally plundered a part of the Polish occupied areas in disguise, and it has soon been on the right track. On the other hand, the German government has also won many wars and established a predatory advantage to repay a large number of Mifu bonds and debts, which has helped the German government get rid of the financial crisis in one fell swoop.
On the one hand, with Augustus and schacht at the helm, Germany finally did not take the war economic model kidnapped by the Croatian nobles, but planned to distinguish between private enterprises and military enterprises, and adopted a more efficient planned economic strategy for the whole of Germany, which will always be in a slow development state, and Germany’s agriculture and light industry have made rapid development lanes.
On the other hand, the German people’s higher enthusiasm for production has been met, and the German industrial output value has been doubled in one breath. By means of high pressure, Germany has established a national industrial and agricultural structure with a reasonable layout, focusing on developing heavy industry and medium-automation agriculture. Follow-up supplement of Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria to develop light industry in the Netherlands; Western Poland supplements the development of automated farms and light industry, while central Poland develops predatory agricultural production.
This kind of Huairou development strategy has enabled the whole of Germany to be transported efficiently, and the only one squeezed is the central part of Poland, even the western part of Poland. This arrangement has reduced the population against German rule to a controllable level, and Germany has won a stable rear environment.
On January 11, 1993, Chancellor Augustus of Berlin presided over and passed a bill, which approved the Great German Party Conference in legal form, which stipulated that the delineation of the national scope of Great Germany was of great significance as a guiding document.
The document stipulates that Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, the northeastern part of France, and the occupied areas of Poland are all areas of activity of the Great German Nationalism. These areas should and must be ruled by the German government, and this great German national territory must be controlled by Germany.
In order to completely safeguard the territory, the German Defence Force will be expanded to 70,000, and the scale should be maintained at 30,000 in future peacetime. In this document, Germany will continue to produce military materials to ensure that Germany completely declares the region.
Another report on Germany’s achievements said that although it has been in a state of war in the past six months, Germany still produced 3.69 million tons of steel, made 29 trains, laid roads and railways with a total length of more than 7 kilometers, and put dozens of automobile and aircraft production lines into operation.
Augustus proudly announced in his congressional speech that in 1937, Germany’s economic growth maintained a 2% pace of progress, and the people were fully self-sufficient in daily life and food. The output of major cities doubled last year, and 21 thermal power plants and various factories were built in Germany, which was a reliable response.
In the palm of his hand, Augustus announced to everyone that arcado, the head of the Stone Castle Empire? Rudolph will return to Berlin’s Fuehrer’s Mansion in a few days to formally accept Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard Wilhelmina’s surrender and formally incorporate the Netherlands into the German Third Reich.
Everyone shouted the name of arcado, and everyone shouted the slogan Long live the Fuehrer. It took the Germans only four months to fight the First World War, and it took them four years to fight the situation-in some ways, they performed even better, and all this was brought by one person, namely arcado, the supreme ruler of the empire? Rudolph
Chapter 291 291 I will remember
Spacious and bright large glass windows with spotless solid wood windows, arcado sat by the window and looked at the balcony, where the ice and snow had melted, thinking that it was Berlin that gave him a progress report on the development of secret weapons.
Krupp has instructed him to focus on the development of a new super tank to deal with the possible threat of enemy tanks for German troops. This code-named tiger tank has completely subverted the concept of tanks and brought together many unique technologies that look very advanced but extremely mature.
Anna is not far behind him, looking around with her hands behind her back, looking at the surrounding scenery. Outside, the muddy house is neat and peaceful, and flames are beating in the fireplace. All this will be gone for the time being.
Today, the Fuehrer will go back to Berlin, and the Fuehrer’s residence will formally accept Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard Wilhelmina’s surrender. From then on, the Netherlands will no longer be the third Reich. The status of the Dutch autonomous province is higher than that of the Eastern Polish autonomous province, and the level of the Western Polish autonomous province is the same.
"Dangdang" was just when arcado was thinking hard when the office door was knocked by the hand officer. arcado looked up at the officer who came in.
"Long live the Fuehrer!" The officer saluted at attention and said, "When you return to Berlin, you have already made arrangements, and the car will wait for you upstairs."
Arcado nodded and got up and took the coat that Anna handed him. "I know, wait for me upstairs."
He, Anna, adjusted her clothes and headed for the door.
The corridor is not as spacious and bright as his office. More than half of the stone castles are underground bunkers. Although some cliffs are built with glass windows, large offices and conference halls, there are still more dim lighting channels with fans and walls.
It was dark and quite like a concrete basement. In the corridor, the stone castle workers held up their right hands and saluted him. "Long live the Fuhrer!"
Yes, long live … arcado smiled and nodded to his predecessors. This kind of scene reminds him of a film called "der untergang" which was shown for 24 years. Hitler’s last moment was also deja vu here, and there were so many people who raised their arms to pay tribute to him.
This scene made him panic, because he knew not only the glory of the Third Reich in history, but also many things that people didn’t know. These things were called "field", which was arcado’s fear that the final judgment would come, and he was afraid that everything in himself would eventually become the laughing stock of others.
Although he didn’t arrest and persecute Jews like the Nazis and Hitler, it also made German rule more unbreakable in disguise, but if you know the dark side of the Third Reich, you will know that arcado’s rule of the Third Reich is not a perfect country.
Reinhardt’s SS also arrested those Democrats who were dissatisfied with the rule of the Great German Party. They also subsidized countries to search for the people’s money in eastern Poland, and divided the defeated Poles into three grades: three grades, six grades, three grades, persecuting and squeezing the lowest grades to revitalize the economy in other regions.
It is no exaggeration to say that the superficial prosperity of the Third Reich is also a history of the blood and tears of the people in the occupied areas. However, the German New Movement model has reduced the hate crowd to a very small extent and has not expanded the contradiction between the countries. However, arcado knows very well that once he is defeated, these crimes can still send him to the gallows …
"My Fuehrer can start." An officer came up to arcado and said, the crowd on both sides cheered and clapped for arcado.
Arcado just found something to panic in his heart. It was less cold. In the end, he wouldn’t have a palm and cheer. He stepped forward and looked a little ugly, but forced a smile and walked through the crowd to the stone castle gate.
Arcado didn’t find himself until he saw the sun again and breathed cold but very fresh air again. He glanced at Anna around him and got into the car that had been prepared long ago with enthusiastic cheers.
The rise of a nation is accompanied by oppression and persecution, and no one can stop these dark things from happening. arcado can’t help but feel relieved when he thinks of this, because this is not his own initiative. This is a national machine, with no feelings, only national interests to measure gains and losses
When the wheel of history will not stop because of his fear, it will still roll forward without mercy. He has decided to stop the killing. What he can do is to do the best and avoid the bloody road of no return
Sitting in the back of the car, arcado raised his mouth. It seems that there is nothing to entangle. A nation and a country have such a bloody and dark past, just like the Hanwu Emperor shouted the slogan "Those who make me strong will be punished far away"; It’s like a Japanese diplomat gloating in front of Li Hongzhang and saying, "But yes or no …"
Yeah, there’s nothing to struggle with. If you put those high-sounding words aside, it’s just the law of the jungle. No one and the late Qing Dynasty will make any sense, even if it is the most civilized country in the world. No one told the Huns anything, even though it was one of the most splendid human empires at that time; No one talks to the Indians, even if it is the most democratic and free United States in the future; No one talked to the Germans about anything. They disbanded the army and demanded compensation. I took the Germans to fight back-there is nothing wrong with this!
No one cares about the impoverished peasants who lost their land, the rotting Polish corpses on the roadside, the soldiers who rolled on the ground in mud, and the parents who lost their children. These are the prices that an empire must pay for its rise.
Of course, cars are luxury cars produced by Mercedes-Benz. After the Great German Party led Germany, the government bus was designated to be purchased from the German local automobile company through the phase law, and the Fuehrer’s car was confirmed to be the luxury bullet-proof car "Sky" produced by Mercedes-Benz.
This car is simply a car with a good view. The tank weighs 5 tons. In many places, steel plates are added to protect the bulletproof glass. Because the thickness is ten centimeters, this car is made by hand and equipped with a high-power tank gasoline engine. The fastest speed can reach 12 kilometers per hour.
The car started slowly, and Anna leaned against arcado’s shoulder. "You looked very ugly just now, did you think of something you didn’t care about?" I have to say that whether it’s oriental or western women, the careful side is men’s law. Compared with them, they are sensitive and good at observing things that interest them, and they can quickly find out minor changes.
Arcado nodded his head and looked at the scenery outside the window. It seemed that it took a few seconds before he said, "Yes, I think some problems just seem to be worrying too much. At present, our situation is still good."
"What do you mean, it’s good?" Anna smiled with a unique charm, charming and confident, which made arcado, who had just looked back, feel uneasy.
See arcado leng Anna smiled even more charming. She held arcado’s arm in her hand, stroking the head of state’s adult arm on her chest, and arcado was in a good spirit. She continued, "We tried our best to complete today’s achievements in a war, but the war went on … Today our country still has a lot of strategic materials, but we have gone further than in the past."
Arcado breathed a sigh of relief and continued to nod his head. His expression was a little lighter than before. He smiled and said, "Yes, we have achieved more brilliant achievements than those great predecessors, but all this is fragile. We can’t afford to fail. Even a small mistake will plunge us into the abyss of perdition."
He glanced at Anna’s hand, brushed Anna’s hair and held her in his arms. "My love, we have already experienced a failure. If we make any mistakes this time, the great Germany will be completely enslaved, our people will be persecuted, and our territory will be occupied, which will lead to all this. Do I want to see those soldiers who died?"
"So I can do my best to do everything best … until one day we become people who can control our own destiny, then we can really breathe a sigh of relief and feel at ease and leave this world." Finally, arcado closed his eyes and fell asleep at Shibao. * * * He hardly had a good rest every night, and he had to deal with it like a hill every day until very late.
It is not easy to lead a country as a dictator, and it is even more difficult to lead a country in a state of war as a dictator like arcado-the difficulty can be imagined. He must deal with trivial issues and then intervene in every detail of the country to avoid losing control of the whole country because of his laziness.
"Go to sleep …" Stroking arcado’s hair, Anna whispered softly. "Someone will remember everything you have done in this country, but I will remember it!"
Chapter 292 292 Stand up
So the cars drove all the way. There were three cars in front of the spacious road, followed by five cars. As a result, a huge fleet of nine cars was formed. The last two cars were Mercedes-Benz trucks, and there were two members of the SS Division who were responsible for protecting the Fuehrer. Their weapons were all p44 assault rifles that were most suitable for short-distance combat.
Soon arcado arrived in his sleep at the airport that had been waiting for him for a long time. It has been completely taken over by the SS, and the atmosphere around it is full of SS soldiers. It looks very killing.