13, Jun 2024
For the magic blood, it really doesn’t mean anything to him. For the magic blood, there is really nothing strange about it. It is public ownership or private property of Qin Mu Ye. The other party bribed himself to put it in the material warehouse. For the magic blood, there is no problem.

The black hand won’t care, and he can’t wait to collect more, but he won’t do anything anyway
They know the way of the world, but this way of the world is to establish the interests of Qin and Mu Ye. If it involves the interests of Qin and Mu Ye, the ceremony can be accepted, but just think about it
I am not afraid that they will expose or lose their reputation in the territory, which is very important for the goblins.
The territorial system of Mu Ye in Qin Dynasty is a form of law re-engraving.
Molik watched the magic blood go away, and at that time, he thought it was quite complicated.
In the end, there is no way to go to the mage tower. Ethnic development is more important than personal honor or disgrace.
Nowadays, whoever doesn’t have a scarlet sword in his hand will definitely become a weak side.
After he came to the Mage Tower, he also underestimated Qin Mu Ye, the God-given Lord. When he came over, the other side was just poor and the power was developing rapidly, which was beyond his imagination
At the thought of this, Molik felt a little regretful. If he had been able to support each other, let alone maybe their dwarves could have obtained the scarlet invasion manufacturing method.
Unfortunately, there is nothing if.
Moreover, my attitude towards each other at the beginning is likely to become a negative impression now.
God-given lords are a group of monsters’ Molik felt a little bitter in his heart. The whole magical continent has changed since the appearance of God-given lords.
True dragon day is powerful and overbearing, and his ability is different from that of the dead king. He is also a ghost-killer. The layman is kind-hearted and evil. He is composed of demons and demons. Besides, he is not a good person to live as a God-given Lord. For example, this one will destroy Silver City without showing mountains and dew.
Who knows that some of his godsend lords are hiding those monsters and are going to give them these aborigines a fright?
"Thank you very much, Black Hand Pavilion. I hope we can continue to trade once." Molik was finally relieved that he had not suffered special treatment.
But the price is really expensive, but it is still within the acceptable range of their dwarves.
"Mr. Molik, you bought out this scarlet attack, but you can pay it every year," said the black hand abruptly
This made Molik feel a little confused? What? "
"Of course, scarlet attacks maintenance, maintenance and so on. Mr. Molik won’t really buy it back, so it’s over."
"The head here is made of the red wind disaster. If there is no corresponding maintenance and maintenance, once the department is unstable due to external stimuli, the consequences will be blown up. I think Silver City should have been shown by Mr. Molik."
"In addition, there needs to be a special protection mechanism for energy loss."
"The loss of energy is not a big problem, but the real harm is that a little energy will infect life with scarlet disease. At present, other forces have no such expertise except our territory."
"And if Mr. Molik buys it for ten years at a time, we will give you a 5% discount on the scarlet arms for ten years, and even give you a batch of new arms every year."
"Mr. Molik, you don’t want the dwarves to be killed by scarlet munitions on the battlefield, do you?"
Black-handed words made Molik feel a little nervous. This profiteer is not as treacherous as you, is it? Not only do you want to buy the follow-up but also continue to produce weapons?
What, do you want to be the biggest arms dealer in the whole magical continent?
"I don’t know how many resources I need if I buy it for ten years?" When Molik bites each other, it’s killing himself. No wonder it’s so little money to buy scarlet attacks that it’s all behind.
Chapter 97 Rare Profession, Master Grinch
[You made the job transfer certificate of the Grinch Master succeed in taking office and get the rare professional Grinch Master]
[You have obtained the talent of the Lord, the leader, the commander and the trainer]
[You have obtained the primary leadership skill of the Lord]
[Please note that your occupation column is full]
Qin Mu Ye made this rare professional certificate of the Grinch Master fill up his missing professional column and gained three talents and one skill. There are three skills left, but Qin Mu Ye did not get it again.
【 Grinch leader tells all Grinch morale to increase+1 health by 5% 】
【 The commander of the Grinch told all Grinch to increase their attack power by 5% and their defense power by 5% 】
【 Grinch trainer suggested that the number of Grinch recruits increased by 5% and the number of Grinch recruits decreased by 5% 】
If you put someone else in this profession, it may not be as good as an ordinary profession. Although the ordinary profession has a master talent, it is impossible to say that all of them pile up this kind of first-order arms.
However, it is definitely a strong occupation to release Qin Mu Ye. Perhaps it is comparable to an epic occupation, but it is definitely the most suitable occupation. On the whole, both arms and heroes can enjoy the bonus of his lords’ talents, and it will be better to sublimate it when the time comes.
This transfer certificate of Master Grinch is a small gift from the dwarves.
Don’t say that the other party really grasped Qin Mu Ye’s psychology, but it didn’t count to Qin Mu savage.
It depends on the size.
During this time, Qin Mu Ye has been studying scarlet, and this power has just come out today.