5, Jun 2024
Now it seems that Brother Nan was even taken away by King Xiang, and it’s really unbearable that he hasn’t been out for nearly twenty years.

"… this is the day to die, I am a surname!" Once again, the householder Chunyu is in tears and looks like the sky is falling down in despair.
Dong Yuling’s black line: "Chunyu’s master cried too early, but the princess said it was a trick, but she didn’t say it couldn’t be solved!"
A surname Lord instantly wiped a tear "Shifei this … this …" One step in hell and one step in heaven was so excited that I didn’t know it was so good.
"Don’t be too tired," said Lian Yan Jiing disapprovingly.
"Don’t worry, have you forgotten that I have that?" Dong Ling woke up and said, it’s not too easy for her to solve the method with the method of Wang.
If he’s poisoned, maybe he’ll get it. It’s just that King Xiang’s bad luck. Chapter 351 See a familiar one.
Things to this share naturally no suspense step by step in the afternoon.
Dong Yuling stayed at Chunyu’s home to solve the problem, while Lian Yan Jing returned to Puzhou with some herbs.
Moreover, the branches in Shun ‘antang have gathered herbs and prepared to send them to Puzhou City.
This Shun ‘antang line has won the support of the people, and it is rare to synchronize with the blue sky and white clouds in yiguang. If two people meet during transportation, they will act together.
Things have become strange and harmonious, and the most uncomfortable thing is floating and floating clouds. They come to find fault with a rainbow of momentum. Who knows that it is still soft and comfortable to hit cotton with one fist …
Sitting in the backyard and enjoying the mountains opposite the red maple leaves, Dong Lingling is leisurely. "It seems that others don’t know about the Chinese method?"
See if the mental state of others is complete or not, otherwise it will be so calm and stable.
"Shi Fei is really observant. For the time being, there are grass people and grass people who know that others haven’t dared to say that they are afraid of causing more panic, and even the last road is difficult to walk." Chunyu’s spirit is much better and he feels radiant.
Yesterday, after Dong Yuling said that he was in the middle of the method, he detoxified the Lord Chunyu and Chunyuqi. Naturally, the father and the son are different as if they had a new life mentality.
Dong Yuling thinks that the householder Chunyu is definitely a character. It is not strange that he can develop his family so well. He will always know and understand what is best for Chunyu’s family.
When he was forced by the king of Xiang, he was able to do what he was told and find an opportunity to find a way out. Even many officials in officialdom could not compare with him in sizing up the situation.
When Chunyu’s householder pretended to obey the king of Hunan, he never thought that the royal family would come so quickly, and he also racked his brains to find out how to solve the problem.
And the arrival of Qin Ruwang Shi is simply a blessing for him, especially the medical skill Gao Shifei has followed. What is it if it is not a blessing for a surname?
Dong Yuling is embarrassed. I have to say that it is really wrong to kiss up to the householder! She’s just asking …
"What about now? Why don’t you tell them, princess, how can you explain taking medicine and recuperating if they drive away the evil spirits? " Dong Fengling calmly keys out.
"Right-handers are going to tell each other frankly. No matter how you say, it is better to know the truth every time." Chunyu’s householder wants the existing solution and is afraid of the truth.
Dong Fengling looked back at it, and he couldn’t help but spit out the "child prodigy".
If Green nodded, "If you are a surname, you will be afraid of success!"
"Indeed, maybe the emperor will like it very much." Dong Yong’s spirit may not be a good official, but it must be the most evergreen tree.
Now that Chunyu’s family has lived in harmony for a long time, it is natural to rely on it to give birth to Chunyu’s family. Did Master Hsien not hesitate to take refuge in the royal family or proved this way? They acted as if the victim would never have two minds.
Dong Yuling, who is leisurely watching beautiful scenery and eating delicious food, makes people jealous and leisurely, but he is caught in a panic because his master called to tell the truth.
It is no wonder that a while ago, the householder suddenly sent his brother to do such a thing that people and gods were angry together for a long time.
Many people didn’t understand and sympathized with the second master. When the master took action, the second master said something nice. Now I wish I couldn’t get it and cut people to pieces.
I really feel that it was too kind of the owner to expel people from the house at the beginning, did you?
A surname householder will also wait for a group of people to be shocked and frightened. All kinds of fears and panic are very pessimistic and desperate to the extreme. This is the news of Dong Yuling’s treatment. He just wants everyone to thank Qin Ru Wang Shifei from the bottom of his heart.
Acting is either that he looks down on his own family or that no matter how much he acts, he may not hide it from his death.
From despair to hope, people will naturally remember that Dong Yong is good.
At that time, I still took a fancy to Qin Ru Wang Shixin, and some small-minded women have completely dismissed the idea at the moment. When the owner came, he strictly reiterated that what is more important than his own life?
As a result, Dong Yuling suddenly found herself being raised by a bodhisattva who belonged to Chunyu, which always made people feel creepy.
Therefore, in addition to driving Chunyu’s family away, I wander around the main valleys every day and occasionally find some valuable herbs and flowers, but I don’t think it’s a chat.
After this family’s poison drive, Dong Yuling is determined to leave the scenery and watch it for many days. It’s actually not that good to be so drunk.
Regardless of Chunyu’s family’s repeated efforts to retain Dong Yuling, it was a great relief to leave in a carriage. "It’s still so cool!"
If green can’t help laughing, it’s all being served with all her heart. How can it be uncomfortable?
Because I was not in a hurry to go back to Puzhou, Dong Yuling checked into the inn and let Ruolu and Longchen accompany me to go shopping.
Lian Yan Jing has been forbidden to go shopping privately since she was pregnant. Although she has no special preference for shopping, she can’t help but miss it.
Satisfied with walking around, Dong Yuling couldn’t buy anything. "Go home, it seems a little tired to walk far away."
"Do you want to let Long Chen carriage? Do you want to take a break? " If green is nervous, she is only a few steps away from the inn, but her cold sweat is out.
"No …" Dong Yuling felt nauseous, but if you look at the green, you are too nervous and a little soft-hearted. "There’s a tea shed over there to sit down."
"Tea shed?" If the green frown is tighter, how can Shifei go to a street stall?