8, Aug 2024
Bo Luan Pinellia calmly said that Zhao Cuo suddenly had nothing to say. This witch is so right. If he is allowed to sleep every night without a beauty to be a pillow, it is worse than killing him.

"But it’s better to solve the problem of general. You just need to be clean. Of course, please forgive me for not doing it."
When she said this, she seemed to have screwed up her eyebrows unconsciously, showing an uncomfortable expression as if she had thought of something bad.
Zhao is wrong to laugh, but he feels that Xia Yaonv is seriously giving advice to himself, which is called cutting and curing forever.
But he will fight back if he feels insulted.
"princess royal Temple is extremely clean, and I also have a solution to completely defile myself. Naturally, it will be broken. For example, you seem to have no unacceptable resistance to me, which should be the reason why you and I have had a lot of physical contact."
The little man made a vicious suggestion and the witch asked him to cut himself, which had the same effect and hurt each other.
"You think too much."
"Luan Pinellia ternata" has been as cold as frost when listening to his words.
With a wave of her hand, she attracted a mass of clear water, carefully washed a pair of jade-carved plain hands and attracted a mass of Yan again.
General Zhao blinked and looked at her. She put her hand into the fire and burned it meticulously and repeatedly. Boy, she knew fire disinfection.
"I talk about you whether to consider it or not? I’m still you, and I can listen to it rationally even if it’s like this. "
Zhao wangye said with teasing.
However, Xia Yaonv’s frozen look gradually eased.
She didn’t speak quietly, and he looked at each other for a long time before lips light tunnel
"This problem has not had much impact on me. If you make this suggestion to help me personally complete the so-called humiliation process before giving up, I must not refuse to hire me, so that I can fight a lot less and I don’t have to carry out the policy of recuperation and governance after the war."
Bo Luan Pinellia’s tone is very dull, as usual, and this witch has not been opinionated.
"You can also wait for the price for yourself?"
Zhao Cuo raises eyebrows.
Everything in this world can be exchanged. If you are rejected by someone, the reason will be that the offer price is not high enough.
There is still no mood fluctuation in princess royal Temple. Little Gong Ye is not surprised by her words. After all, this witch is a rational animal.
For her, right or wrong is not important, nor is it absolute pros and cons. Interests are the primary consideration.
To some extent, she has been slack.
"There are too many superfluous words, but it is not a wave if we can get along better."
"Luan Pinellia" looked indifferently at sitting beside the bed. There was a movement outside his house, and the people who came to deliver meals arrived.
"You fill your stomach first. We’ll go to the city later and say it’s fortunate that we still have a lot."
"Why can’t you tell me the so-called plan to defeat the demon race now?"
"Don’t worry"
Zhao wrong face always calm, she also don’t want to gaffe.
"As you like to have dinner together? Don’t say that I don’t do my best. "
He can’t rest assured when he hears what the witch says.
He never believed Boluan’s Pinellia dialect.