17, Jul 2024
Without waiting for malt liquor to provoke further strangulation, she said directly, "If her purpose is to expand the city … then at most, I will pay a price to make me turn a blind eye to her kind of injustice."

Chapter 49 Accelerate the plot
The godfather picked his eyebrows slightly and looked at the malt liquor with great interest.
"It sounds good and professional … I mean, it’s a bit of a company’s top fool.
"-are you trying to bribe strangulation?"
He hit home the essence of malt liquor.
At most, you can pay a price to let go of the seed line-this is exactly what it takes to test the bottom line of strangulation and then bribe strangulation.
"This is not a bribe."
This woman with a long ponytail of purplish red pushed her glasses, and the green eyes of the lake turned slyly. "This is the’ voluntary consultation’ initiated by me."
"Yes," the godfather sarcastically said, "You pay the price and he carries it out. Maybe you can also call it employment?"
"How come? My strangulation has always been equal."
There was a confident smile in front of the godfather of malt liquor, and he didn’t waver in his words at all. "This is normal. Everyone has his own strengths and needs."
"You also know that we are not as violent and vulgar as knowing the curtain. There are some smart people in it … and smart people just cherish their lives."
"Yes, I know."
The godfather nodded. "So you will cheat, bribe, profit and manipulate the city … and maybe someone in the city, but you will never really rush to the front row and face."
"You have been manipulating the curtain before."
He hit the nail on the head: "Knowing the curtain is objectively causing turmoil and losses, accidents, and uncontrollable changes in the urban area, so you can intervene in the gap of the plan and make a profit."
"Although knowing the curtain doesn’t know anything about your manipulation, their biggest enemy is you, but their reckless behavior is also secretly encouraged by you … you and them have catalyzed their’ to do something’ heart.
"-what you are doing is their heart."
Hearing this, strangulation looked back at malt liquor.
The white-haired lion Shen asked, "Is the barber right, malt liquor?"
"That’s true"
Malt wine nodded and readily admitted that "this is what we should do to rob reincarnation forever."
She added with a smile, "and you should also call him godfather. Godfather is our common godfather and no one is closer."
This seems to be a reprimand for strangulation, but it is actually a warning to the godfather
Godfather smell speech sighed.
Before the meeting, the godfather didn’t have a bad impression on malt liquor … Now he finally knows everything when he meets alone.
It’s also a disguise, not for the godfather, but for others.
She is a wily and bad woman by nature.
It seems that we have to pull it up
Knowing that this conversation would not end for a while, he was too lazy to be polite to malt liquor.
The godfather cocked his legs, crossed his hands and fingers, leaned back slightly, and the whole person shrank into the backrest.
He closed his eyes and replied to the mental laziness. "So what happened again … just let you bypass the knowing curtain and directly join the White Lion Group?
"With all due respect, you can’t get into the top three positions of Liancheng District of the White Lion Group after tinkering with the name’ godfather’
"It’s nothing special … or do you want to get involved in the black fist business?
"Or let the White Lion Group stay away from you?"
He sarcastically said, "In that case, the White Lions Group would really suck. The organization responsible for mediating disputes and punishing traitors has its own position … Who would believe them?"
"I didn’t accept her condition …"
Strangulation sink explained to the godfather
But the godfather directly interrupted, "But you wavered in strangulation."
He looked at strangulation with his eyes open.
Those bright blue eyes seem to be able to see through his mind. "Otherwise, you would be angry now."
Smell speech strangulation was silent.
Because it’s true-it’s because he’s still struggling in his heart, and he feels guilty, so he will explain it low.
And then malt liquor sighed, "Let’s get this straight. Because of this, I believe in those who disagree."
"After all, he is an elf, and even short-lived species have to live long enough, and their ideas are different from those of us young people."
The godfather didn’t interrupt this sentence
She’s right.
Whether it’s malt liquor or tall, powerful, mature and steady strangulation, it’s all young people in their twenties.
"I didn’t come to you for the same reason … because I think strangulation alone can give me a fair answer."
"What is it?"
"increasing staff"
The expression of malt liquor became slightly serious.
The godfather frowned and then loosened.
He guessed what ale was going to say.
And malt liquor shook its ponytail and continued to explain, "With the further intensification of our war with angels, we all know that … angels can’t stay in the city for long."
"According to the godfather, it is speculated that angels will not leave-that is to say, fierce small-scale battles in urban areas will become a normal state.