31, May 2024
"Does he want to persuade Jin Guo to form an alliance with Mongolia and then attack Dasong together?" Ling Feiyang was thinking about it when he suddenly saw a fire at the stern!

"Fire! Fire!" With the sound, several white maids screamed and ran out of the cabin. Ouyang Feng, Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong and Huang Rong immediately ran out of the room when they heard the shouting.
"Darling, the old poison wants to set fire to us!" Zhou Botong saw the fire and immediately shouted.
"put out the fire!" Ouyang Feng ordered the ship maid to immediately find a dozen wooden basins and pour the seawater into the flame!
"No matter who set the fire, let’s help him put it out first!" Hong Qigong also picked up a wooden basin and rushed at the stern.
Ling Feiyang and Ouyang Ke did not continue to bicker and joined the fire fighting. However, instead of weakening, the fire was burning more and more brightly, and it had already reached the cabin in a short time!
At this time, several poisonous snakes swam out of the bottom cabin and crawled on the deck because they were disturbed by the fire!
"Help! Help!" Zhou Botong screamed with fear and took out the two nine Yin scriptures wrapped in oil paper from his arms and stuffed them into Hong Qigong’s hands.
"I’m an old urchin who would rather drown in the sea than be bitten to death by a poisonous snake! I know that you are a good person, so please keep this Nine Yin Sutra for me! The old urchin will go! " Zhou Botong watched several poisonous snakes climb up to him and suddenly rushed to the ship’s rail!
"Don’t jump off the boat, old urchin!" Huang Rong’s voice did not fall, but Zhou Botong moved a lot faster than her voice, and she has "burst" into the sea!
Huang Rong hurriedly rushed to the boat and saw Zhou Botong flopping about in the sea. Immediately, he was beaten by a wave. Huang Rong was sad, but he also had to continue to put out the fire together.
At this time, the deck snakes had been burned to the bones by the fire, and there was a stench. The fire gradually swallowed up the whole cabin. Ouyang Feng knew that the fire had been extinguished and shouted, "This ship can’t be saved. Put the sampan quickly!"
Several white maids ran to several sampans and bent down to solve the problem. Ling Feiyang, the rope of the sampan, suddenly remembered that the maid named Zihan was still in her room and immediately rushed back to the room to see that the furniture in the room was on fire. Zihan still leaned against the bed and could not move. It was a desperate look in her eyes.
Ling Fei whisked away the skirts, Mars pulled the sheets, wrapped the purple Han naked body in the middle, and then quickly rushed out of the room. At this moment, a girder at the top of the cabin was broken by a big fire, and the flame was smashed at Ling Feiyang’s head!
Hong Qigong and others are busy putting out the fire and didn’t see this scene. At this critical juncture, Ouyang Ke cast his flying skills "in a split second", and his figure quickly floated near and suddenly pushed Ling Feiyang to the ground!
Seeing that the girder has hit Ouyang Ke’s head, Ling Feiyang quickly bounced off the ground and used a trick "Hidden Dragon Don’t" to hit the middle part of the girder. The girder is like a burning dragon flying across the deck and falling straight into the sea!
Ouyang Ke hurriedly rushed over and picked up the purple Han and saw that a boat had been put into the water and immediately jumped to put the purple Han across the boat!
"Let the woman take the sampan first!" Hong Qigong slapped a mast that was falling and shouted.
Although Ouyang Feng’s father was insidious and cunning, he was not afraid of death. When he heard Hong Qigong’s words, he immediately protected several maids. At this time, the deck was already in flames, and everyone’s eyes were covered by smoke, making it difficult to see the scene before him.
Hong Qigong rushed out of the flames with a maid in each hand, only to see that there seemed to be a black shadow nearby that was flickering in the firelight!
Hong Qigong’s heart was strange and he rushed to the shadow and shouted, "Why don’t you run away!"
Unexpectedly, this person saw Hong Qigong rushing to his face and suddenly made a "goo goo" sound in his mouth, and then his hands came together and suddenly pushed to Hong Qigong’s chest!
Hong Qigong’s heart is eager to save people. Where do you think this person will suddenly attack himself? I heard "bang". Hong Qigong’s body was hit by this palm force and immediately flew out and fell heavily into the sea!
Ps Readers and friends, guess who this wounded Hong Qigong? Guess right, although there is no prize, you must be an expert in shooting sculptures!
Chapter 112 Fighting in the sea
Frog work!
One mouthful blood spurted out from Hong Qigong’s mouth. Although Hong Qigong was seriously injured, his mind was still immediately judging the deadly palm force route!
Ling Feiyang and Huang Rong saw that Hong Qigong suddenly fell into the sea and was about to sink. It turned out that he jumped from the ship’s rail to the side of Hong Qigong and held him tightly.
"Old poison … he … Frog Gong … countered me … don’t let … he took away … Nine Yin Zhen Jing …" Hong Qigong barely said the last sentence and passed out.
Ling Feiyang and Huang Rong hurriedly dragged Hong Qigong to a sampan and saw that Hong Qigong was pale and blood kept oozing from the corners of his mouth, which was obviously fatal!
At this moment, Ouyang Feng’s father suddenly emerged from the firelight and jumped into another boat. Ouyang Feng looked up and saw Hong Qigong’s three-person boat and immediately grabbed the paddle and rowed over here.
"He’s coming to grab the Nine Yin Scriptures!" Huang Rong just thought that Ouyang Feng’s father’s sampan had rowed near, and Ouyang Feng shouted, "What’s wrong with you, Brother Seven?"
"What are you pretending to be?" Huang Rong raised his paddle and smashed it at Ouyang Feng! Ouyang Feng zheng is slightly stretched out his hand and gently grasp the paddle in the hand!
Ling Feiyang is worried that Huang Rong will suffer a loss and use a recruit "Kang Long has regrets" and his right palm pushes Ouyang Feng in the past! Although Ouyang Feng’s capability is much higher than Ling Feiyang’s, he dare not despise this dragon’s ten palms and immediately launch a palm to greet Ling Feiyang’s palm!
"bang!" Two palms intersect. Ouyang Feng’s figure did not move, but Ling Feiyang flew backwards and fell into the sea!
At the same time, the two sampans were separated by more than ten feet at the moment when the reaction left each other! Huang Rong seems to have fallen into the sea without stepping on it!
Ling Feiyang received Ouyang Feng’s palm and hurriedly adjusted his interest rate in the water, only to find that he was not saddened. He felt something was wrong and hurriedly put his head out of the sea to see that Hong Qigong was still lying in the sampan, but Ouyang Feng’s father’s sampan shook violently and suddenly "clicked" and split into two parts!
It turned out that Huang Rong pretended to fall into the water, but quietly sneaked into Ouyang Feng’s father’s boat and made Ling Feiyang cut the wooden tenon at the joint of the boat for her dagger!
Ouyang Feng’s father was unstable and fell into the water at the same time. Ouyang Feng grabbed half of the sampan with his left hand, only to see that Huang Rong was about to escape and suddenly leaned out of his arm and grabbed her right arm!
"You …" Ouyang Feng wanted to speak, but a mouthful of seawater immediately poured into his mouth. Huang Rong took the opportunity to put the dagger in his left hand and aim it at Ouyang Feng’s back! See dagger has stabbed Ouyang Feng head Ouyang Ke has struggled to swim up stretched out his hand and grabbed the Huang Rong left arm!
Huang Rong’s arms were caught by Ouyang Feng’s father. Although he struggled desperately, he got rid of Ling Feiyang at this critical moment, but he had already swam over. In the water, he used a trick "Don’t hide the dragon" to arouse a water hose to sweep across Ouyang Feng!
Ouyang Feng’s martial arts is high, but it doesn’t make sense at all. Seeing Ling Feiyang hit this recruit, his left hand grabbed the sampan, and his right hand couldn’t grasp Huang Rong’s loose arm and Huang Rong’s right hand. The capacity was pushed out!
"bang!" Two people palm intersection ling float in the sky again that "hidden dragon don’t" is the most suitable for water fighting and Ouyang Feng previously choked a few saliva capability has been greatly reduced, the palm of two people is half a catty ling float in the sky has not been flying.
At the same time, Huang Rong’s right hand has been free to punch Ouyang Ke’s eyes immediately. Ouyang Ke’s water-based is not much better than Ouyang Feng’s. He rushed to dodge and was punched in the corner of his eye by Huang Rong, which immediately blackened a large area.
Ouyang Ke was beaten to the stars, but his right hand still clung to Huang Rong’s left arm as if holding a lifeline. Huang Rong leaned out and sighed, "Let go!" Shoulder to Ouyang Ke hit the past!
"ouch!" Ouyang Ke bellow a mouth even drank several mouthfuls of seawater, and his waist was pierced by soft hedgehog armor, but he still clung to Huang Rong.
"I regret Ouyang Ke’s death to be buried in this blue sea with Huang Mei!" Ouyang Ke thought that his mouth was full of salty sea water method to export this sentence.
Ouyang Feng’s left hand grabbed a half-boat and his right hand tried to swim to rescue Ouyang Ke. However, his swimming posture was obviously not right, and he still approached after swimming for a long time
Ling Feiyang saw that Ouyang Ke had been bruised and bruised by Huang Rong, but he still clung to Huang Rong and swam to the two men immediately. However, at this moment, the ear suddenly came to the sea like a landslide, and a whirlpool turned sharply and risked fireworks. The big ship had sunk into the sea!
Suddenly, a wave called Ling Feiyang, and his body was sent out more than ten feet away. He hurriedly put his head out of the water, but by this time, the fire of the sunken ship had disappeared and the sea became dark. The sampans where Huang Rong, Ouyang Ke and Hong Qigong were located had been found.
"Don’t I ling float in the sky to die at the bottom of the sea? Can you cross it again after you die this time? Or is it really completely dead? " Ling Feiyang’s body rises and falls with the waves, but he is thinking about his body but touches a hard object. He hurriedly grabbed the other half of Ouyang Feng’s sampan.
Ling Feiyang clung to half a sampan and pushed himself around by the waves. At this time, the night was deep and the sea was getting colder. Ling Feiyang tried to think about what happened these days to prevent himself from sleeping in the past.
"According to the original plot, Ouyang Feng captured the Jiuyin Zhenjing to plot against Hong Qigong … but why do I always feel that there seems to be something wrong with this matter?" Ling Feiyang thought about this problem repeatedly in the turbulence of the sea.
Ling Feiyang persisted in the seawater for a whole night, and the sky in the east finally revealed a fish-belly gray. With the faint morning light, Ling Feiyang suddenly saw a long and narrow arc in the distance!
Ling Feiyang’s heart was pleasantly surprised. He immediately loosened half the boat and swam to the shore!
Golden sand beach, grey rocks and green tree, only when one is in a desperate situation can one find that these original ordinary scenery are so beautiful now!
Ling Feiyang finally swam to the shore, exhausted and finally fell asleep on the beach.
When Ling Feiyang woke up, it was sunshine. When it seemed that it was noon, the beach was deserted and looked like a desert island.
"Xiadao? I wonder if Rong Er will be brought here by the waves? " Ling Feiyang thought about getting up and walking along the beach for more than a mile. Suddenly he saw a half-boat on the beach, which was obviously washed by the sea, and there was a vague figure lying next to it.
Ling Feiyang immediately ran over to see this figure already in a coma. It was Ouyang Feng!
Ps: Can you guess if Ling Feiyang will kill Ouyang Feng? In addition, yesterday’s question has not been guessed yet. Who is the person who injured Hong Qigong?
Chapter 113 Who is the first day?
Ouyang Feng’s water quality is so poor that he is lying motionless in the belly of the beach at the moment. I don’t know how much seawater he has choked into. Ling Feiyang is a piece of cake to take his life.
"Kill or not?" A moment ling float in the sky has turned several thoughts in my mind.
"According to the plot in the original book, there is no doubt that Ouyang Feng, the first villain, killed the second division Bo Tan Chuduan, killed Mei Chaofeng, including Xiao Ying, the five monsters in the south of the Yangtze River, and finally killed Hong Qigong in the sculpture. If I kill him today, these people will not die!"
"But now many plots have already deviated from the original people’s hearts, good and evil. In one thought, Ouyang Feng may not necessarily do these wicked things. Last night, Master Hongbang was injured, and there seems to be something wrong with it …"
"Wang Hong came to Peach Blossom Island this time just to promote the combination of East Evil, Xi Du, Nandi and Beigai. Although Ouyang Feng didn’t agree to Wang Hong’s proposal, he white camel mountain is, after all, the territory of Xixia Kingdom. Once Mongolia attacks white camel mountain and Ouyang Feng, he will lead the resistance. His son Ouyang Ke has always been loyal to the six princes of Jin Guo, Yan Hong Lie. If Jin Guo is in trouble, he will certainly not ignore it …"
"Ouyang Feng is one of the four great masters of Wulin. He can deal with 500 or 600 Mongolian soldiers with less martial arts. If he dies, the Song-Jin alliance will be a big help!"
"Want me to do a good job in advance to prevent the second division Bo and Xiao Ying, they will be fortunate; But if you kill Ouyang Feng now, he will never live … "