18, Jun 2024
He turned on the projector behind him and a series of photos of people appeared on the big screen.

And that row that topped the list and has been marked as a red man is impressively Xu Rui in a suit and tie.
Looking at the high-spirited sunshine in the photo, Xu Rui was very disdainful and said, "These people are the ones I want you to identify suspicious people."
"The first one can’t. Even if I don’t check it, I know that he must have made a deal with those mice. It shouldn’t have been reformed. You can’t find it."
"It’s still so clever that an ordinary cracking team leader has developed the epoch-making technology of stargate."
"I don’t know what this idiot named Xu Rui thinks of him. Will we believe that he can develop the epoch-making technology of the stargate alone?"
"But I guess he’s also a fantasy land. You should focus on screening the remaining talents."
"I hope you can take this time seriously, classmate Lu. After all, your judgment determines their life and death. I hope you can be unselfish."
"Mr. Lu, you can rest assured that everyone in the field is innocent and absolutely loyal to the alliance. You are not worried about which of us will reveal your information."
"The whole screening process will be carried out in absolute secrecy to ensure that you will not be stared at by the dreamers because of this."
"After all, if something happens to you, my niece Su Meng won’t leave me alone."
What? ! Master is your niece? ? ?
Liu Yuan was shocked and turned to look at Su Meng as if she couldn’t believe that she still had such cattle relatives.
Su Meng is calm about this and raises her glasses with a proud face.
And Liu Yuan at the moment is also associated with the former Su Meng coming and going freely in the war camp.
Immediately take a tumble.
I told you! No matter how big the face of the gourmet beast bender is, it is impossible to let Su Meng enter the war camp just like going back to his home.
It’s been a long time, master. Your family has a military background!
Cattle batch cattle batch!
Su Meng looked at his eldest brother’s surprised expression and his mouth could not help but raise slightly.
I can’t tell you how cool it is to be shocked by the accidental exposure of my vest!
However, after Su Mengshuang finished, he woke up again seriously and said, "Xiao Lu, our opponent this time is a group of crazy people in Dreamland, and it is possible to deal with this group of crazy people."
"Although Gao Shu said that you would be absolutely safe, I still want to wake you up. Nothing is absolutely once you really join this operation …"
"You may still encounter unexpected dangers. Even so … are you sure you want to join?"
Liu Yuan turned to look at Su Meng and nodded his head firmly.
You may still consider dealing with other people’s land sources, but you really don’t need to consider dealing with those crazy land sources in the dreamland!
From the previous two encounters with fantasy villagers,
This is a group of anti-human and anti-social dangers, but these people will endanger the whole society.
Lu Yuan likes this stable life very much, and he doesn’t want it to be broken. Naturally, he is willing to take part in the action to eliminate these dangers.
What’s more, there are so many big shots involved in this operation. Being a human flesh scanner tool should not be too risky.
Is there any reason why Zongluyuan does not participate?
Get Liu Yuan’s affirmative reply again. Su Meng seems to feel very bright.
With a proud face, he said, "It’s my brother Su Meng. I’m very satisfied with this high consciousness."
"No, no, everything is taught by Master."
"Xiao Lu, you are modest. Although I do teach well, you are not bad."
"Yes, yes, yes, yes!"
When I heard that the master and the apprentice directly started to blow each other’s business, the high commander couldn’t help but interrupt and said, "Okay, you master and the apprentice have something to say later. Let me talk about this action first."
High over the said Liu Yuan and Su Meng immediately stopped the business blowing each other.
"This operation is divided into two parts at the beginning. In the first part, we will try our best to get you close to these people on the screen, and then let you judge how many of these people are rats planted in our fantasy land."
"And the second part of the operation is the deratization."
"You don’t need classmate Lu for this part. We will do it ourselves if you participate."
"It turned out that this was the Ministry’s action, but I suddenly had a new idea after I got the information about the activities of the people in the dreamland in the east of the city."
"The idea is that perhaps the real purpose of the fantasy land has never been to destroy Jiujiang by taking advantage of a large secret territory, but to pin us down so that they can finish something in Jiujiang."
"As for what this thing is, I have a general guess because I know something you don’t know."
Said the high and control a projector again.
Liu Qingshan’s photo suddenly appeared on the screen.
Looking at the crowd, looking at the screen with a puzzled look, Liu Qingshan Gao said seriously, "Combining with the information of Lu, I have reason to believe that the real goal of the rats in Fantasyland is actually Liu Qingshan, the captain of his former 1,000-strong team!"
"Or they want to get some clues through Liu Qingshan."
"So we have another action, that is, to find Liu Qingshan and protect him before robbing the fantasy villagers."
"I have to say, Mr. Lu, your information is really critical. If everything is as I thought, you have made great contributions this time."
I, I made a great contribution? !
Liu Yuan is a little stupid about his unexpected achievements, and he doesn’t know where he has made great achievements.
But looking at Gao and commanding the serious expression, Liu Yuan felt that this decisive report was really successful.
Boy, have I changed from’ reporting small’ to’ making small contributions’?
What a surprise … what a surprise ~
Chapter 3 Knock, knock, check the water meter!
Knowing that the real purpose of the fantasy land may be to find the land source of Liu Qingshan, I can’t help but start to wonder.
What’s the secret of this Liu Qingshan body that can make the fantasy fellow villager so big that Zhou Zhang will find him.
And Liu Yuan is not the only one who is equally curious about this.
Hou Yu, the headmaster of No.1 Middle School, asked curiously, "Do you know what Liu Qingshan is looking for in Dreamland? I read Liu Qingshan’s data and found that there is nothing special in his data. "
After thinking about it, the high commander said, "I don’t know much about this, and what you can’t see is that his data is abnormal because you can see his general data. The real data level in Liu Qingshan is … S level."
"s-class! ! !”
I was shocked to hear that the security level of a captain of a small thousand troops in Liu Qingshan was at S-class Hou Yu.
When others heard this, they also showed the same shocking expression as Hou Yu.
There is Liu yuan in the audience, which is a face of Meng force.
Lu Yuan pulled La Sumeng’s skirt and asked, "What is the meaning of Master’s S-level confidentiality level?"
Su Meng began to explain that "generally speaking, the level of confidentiality varies from D to A depending on the situation"
"and more than a level is s level, SS level and SSS level. There is a convention that"
"When this information may be related to the Alliance Grand Commander or the Platinum-level strong, the confidentiality level is S"
"The confidentiality level is SS when it comes to alliance domain owners or diamond giants."
"When three alliance domain owners or strong people are involved, the confidentiality level is SSS level, and at this level, outsiders can access this level of information except the top leaders of the alliance."
"Liu Qingshan is a silver-level strength, but his confidentiality level is S-level, which means that his information may involve a lot of platinum-level strong people."