16, Jun 2024
"Hey that fool, don’t get in the way!"

Just when Huangfu Zhantian giggled and fell into the memory, a clear and crisp sound came up and immediately awakened Huangfu Zhantian from the memory.
Frowning, Huangfu Zhantian turned around and found that he was really in the middle of the road, just blocking the road, and behind him was a little boy who was driving a group of animals who didn’t know what. He was very dissatisfied with the little boy and looked at himself.
Embarrassed smile suspection.i Zhantian hurriedly gave way to let the little boy drive those animals past.
"Hey, little brother, can I ask you something? Do you know where I can sell clothes around here?" Huangfu Zhantian saw that the little boy was leaving before he remembered that he still needed a suit. He quickly stopped the little boy.
Hearing Huangfu Zhantian’s words, the little boy sniffed and said, "We don’t sell clothes here. We make our own clothes, but if you really need clothes, I’ll ask my sister to help you make a set. What do you think?" After that, the little boy’s eyes sparkled with a sly look that was not his age.
Hearing this little boy’s words, Huangfu Zhantian suddenly stared blankly for a while, but then he reacted and said to the little boy with no intention, "Yes, I’ll help you play some prey and come back and change a suit with you. I don’t know your name." Do you live in this village? "
"Well, my name is Night Charm and I live in this small village. Come here and find me after you hit your prey!" After the night charm finished speaking, she ignored Huangfu Zhantian and drove the animals straight towards the village head. Section 136: Village Incident
Looking at this smelly fart boy, Huangfu Zhantian immediately touched his nose, and he was so unpopular. But he was too lazy to dispute with the kid. He turned around and walked towards the route. He remembered that there seemed to be some Warcraft in the mountain range, and he didn’t pay attention to those who had been in a hurry, so he had to go back now.
Thinking about HuangFuZhan horizon towards the route, but as soon as he left, he heard a burst of hooves coming from the front. HuangFuZhan looked up and saw a large group of people galloping towards his side and the horse was about to come to his side, but they didn’t even stop to bump into themselves.
Seeing this, suspection.i Zhantian frowned, but it didn’t matter how to directly hide from the side of the road and let the road come. Now his mood makes him look very indifferent to these things. If these things are put aside, they can’t even wait for God. One of them is waiting for God. The guy himself has already slapped the past.
When the group saw that Huangfu Zhantian gave way to the road, they immediately screamed, as if it was a glorious thing for them to give way to Huangfu Zhantian, and then they whipped away.
Watching them leave, Huangfu Zhantian shook his head and then walked on to the front. Soon he came to the front of the mountain and hit two low-level Warcraft. Then Huangfu Zhantian directly resisted the shoulders of these two Warcraft and walked quickly towards the village [
As soon as I entered the village, I heard the screams inside and cried with children. From these screams, I heard the fear and there were many horses parked at the entrance of the village.
"Hey, isn’t this the former troops? Is it … not good! " Huangfu Zhantian reacted with feelings. These people are robbers. They came to this village to have a windfall, but since they met, it’s hard to take care of it.
Thought of here, suspection.i Zhantian picked up speed again, and soon came to the village and felt the direction of alarm. suspection.i Zhantian directly came to a square in the village.
When he saw a scene in the village, his heart suddenly trembled, and he didn’t move his anger for a long time. Then a murderous look broke out from the deepest part of Huangfuzhan’s heavenly heart.
See those people will be the men in the village to give points together, most of those men were badly wounded, what’s more, they seem to be dead, while on the other side are a group of women who are ferocious and laughing and undressing, while those women are looking at these people with fear and despair, while those men are full of anger and humiliation, crying and someone is struggling to get up, but they are immediately beaten again by those people.
"You bad guys let my sister go or my night shadow brother will never let you go when he comes back!" See the night charm with a full face of anger struggling to blunt come over, but those people kicked the night charm back with a hard foot, and then the night charm vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and rushed away again brazenly.
Watching those people force their sister into a corner, and then two men are laughing and taking off their clothes to reveal that ugly guy, while his sister is full of despair and tears, and closes her eyes tightly to avoid seeing those ugly people. At this time, the night charm is full of hatred. He hates that he is not strong enough. If he has strong strength, where will he be afraid of these people?
Seeing this scene in front of me, Huangfu Zhantian suddenly threw his shoulders to the ground of Warcraft and shouted coldly, "Stop it for me. Now get out when you two breathe!"
And those men who were about to release their lust suddenly became ugly after hearing this sound. They all turned to look at Huangfu Zhantian. When they saw Huangfu Zhantian, it was actually their way. When they met the little beggar who saw themselves and others, they immediately laughed wildly.
"Ha ha laugh me to death. There is nothing wrong with my ears just now. Did I hear wrong? This little beggar actually told us to get out! " See the ugly guy who shows himself in front of the night’s charming sister. The man laughs wildly and says
Everyone laughed wildly at the man’s words as if they had heard a funny joke.
"Now that you have chosen not to go, stay!" HuangFuZhanTian light way with that, HuangFuZhanTian shape flash directly came to the front of the speaker, a wave of his hand slapped the man’s head and directly took the man to fly out and hit the head with a big bluestone not far from him, and the whole head directly broke into pieces.
Seeing this scene, those people suddenly stopped laughing, as if they had been pinched by people’s hands, and they couldn’t pronounce a syllable. They all looked at the thin boy in rags with fear.
While those villagers looked at this scene with a full face of fear at this time. Although they had all seen blood, they had never seen a person’s head smashed into pieces so intuitively. When someone woke up, he vomited directly. One person vomited directly, which formed a chain effect. Almost everyone vomited. Those villagers who didn’t vomit also looked ugly, which made Huangfu Zhantian have some accidents, but he didn’t vomit before, but his face was not very good.
"Devil, run away!" See a man who has been scared to death and shouted in fear, and then he ran away. When those people heard this man’s words and saw that he ran away, they all fled in the opposite direction of Huangfu Zhantian. At this time, they hated their parents for not having more legs.
"Hum now think of it and run away? Late! " Huangfu Zhantian looked at those tourist trap people who had obviously been killed by himself coldly, but he didn’t intend to let these people go, otherwise I’m afraid this small village will be hit by them again after he left, and it will be even worse then, and these people have lost their vitality for a long time. Section 137: Treatment
With that, the shape of Huangfu Zhantian flashed directly behind those people, and the hands of those people flashed repeatedly. Those people who lived in Huangfu Zhantian fell down like wheat, and they lost their signs of life. After the previous scene, Huangfu Zhantian didn’t want to get so bloody, otherwise the villagers would definitely be unbearable. He destroyed these people dirty, but from the outside, they didn’t see any damage.
Get rid of the last suspection.i war days shape flash directly back to come over.
"Well, the bad guys have been eliminated. Everyone is safe. No one is injured. Hurry up and send those injured people together. Send the seriously injured people to me first. I will save them one by one!" Huangfu Zhantian looked at the injured people and shouted, "After that, Huangfu Zhantian directly appeared beside a seriously injured man, took out a very common healing medicine and fed it into his mouth, then instilled Raytheon’s true qi into his body to help him absorb these medicines."
And those villagers who were stunned by the movement of Huangfu Zhantian suddenly woke up after hearing Huangfu Zhantian’s words. Those villagers who were not injured quickly lifted the injured people around them and carried them to Huangfu Zhantian’s side. Everyone looked at that tattered face with fear and gratitude. Huangfu Zhantian was colorful.
"You guys put these pills into a jar of water and then feed these pills to those who are not seriously injured." After that, Huangfu Zhantian took out a handful of healing pills from the small world and handed them to the person who was treated by watching himself treat the night charm. Huangfu Zhantian knew that these ordinary people might not be able to bear the powerful drugs contained in these pills. Although these healing pills are the most common, they still can’t. I’m afraid he couldn’t bear them if he hadn’t helped this person heal with Raytheon’s true qi.
Night incarnate quickly took the Dan medicine handed by Huangfu Zhantian and quickly left. Soon he moved to a big jar of water and threw these Dan medicines into the jar. Then he waved the jar and saw that those Dan medicines turned into liquid medicine. He quickly took some people to give these liquid medicines to those who were less injured.
Seeing these injured people groaning after these potions, they stopped moaning magically. The night charm’s eyes were shocked. Look at Huangfu Zhantian’s eyes. They are full of worship. Now Huangfu Zhantian’s tattered clothes are not an eyesore at all. Instead, he feels very individual. He suddenly flashes a little embarrassed when he thinks that he still despises his village savior.
However, at this time, there are five people who are seriously injured. In this moment, two people have been cured, and the third person is being treated. However, at this time, the other body’s Raytheon Qi has consumed 30%, but Huangfu Zhantian does not care about human life at all. These people must be treated as soon as possible.
After some kind of emergency treatment, Huangfu Zhantian finally treated all five people again to make sure that these people were not in danger of life. After that, Huangfu Zhantian breathed a sigh of relief, and then came to those who were slightly injured again and looked at them one by one, and found that those healing drugs had played their role. Huangfu Zhantian got up.
"Well, carry them back. They should be able to recover after a period of peace of mind!" Any suspection.i Zhantian wiped his forehead sweat and then smiled and said to them
Hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, all the villagers looked at Huangfu Zhantian with gratitude.
See an older man trembling walked to Huangfu Zhantian and then bowed deeply to Huangfu Zhantian.
When Huangfu Zhantian saw it, he quickly ran to hold the old man and said, "The old man can’t break the younger generation like this!"
"No, you are the savior in our village. You can afford this worship!" The old man was very stubborn, and then he bowed deeply to Huangfu Zhantian regardless of the stop of Huangfu Zhantian, and those who were not injured also bowed deeply to Huangfu Zhantian
Seeing this, suspection.i Zhantian suddenly got some resistance.
"Thank you, hero, for saving the lives of our villagers and killing all these bandits. Otherwise, those who killed thousands of knives will definitely come again." The old man was full of tears and fought against Huangfu Heaven.