15, Jun 2024
Yecheng is the capital of the province where Tiancheng is located. Although this Yecheng University sounds quite mysterious, it is just an ordinary college. Mo Tianyuan nodded. He knew that Zhang Shaotian didn’t put too much energy into his study in high school, and it was ok to enter this school.

Laughing, "Sometimes I come back after that, and I will go to Yeda to see you."
Zhang Shaotian listened to the in the mind a Le Er xi way "that and good! After taking you around our school, don’t the school rabbits all know that I am your brother? "
Mo Tianyuan touched his nose and said, "How can you say that you are so awesome?"
"Ha ha! After the last tour, there will be the semi-finals and finals. You have to play well. If you can win the national championship then, let us have a boast. "
On the sixth day of the competition, the flurry team competition ended early in the afternoon, and after gathering with Zhang Shaotian and Li He and others, their party returned to Tiancheng in a mighty way, while several flurry team members were waiting for the opportunity to fly to Guangzhou, the fourth South China Division of the Tour early in the day!
Before he left, Zhang Shaotian’s little cousin didn’t forget to wake up when he said goodbye. "Brother Yuan, you must remember to help me get the signature of Sister Shao Wen …"
Mo Tianyuan nodded with a smile.
Just as the flurry team was preparing to go to Guangzhou, there were also a few young people who looked heroic and vigorous in a city not far from Zhengzhou, the main venue of North China Division, packing their bags.
This is the location of Ye Cheng, and a closer look shows that among these young people, Mo Tianyuan met Ye Xuan in the Super League!
In that competition, Mo Tianyuan and Tao Zhiwen from Xingcheng met by chance on the plane Ye Xuan and learned about several major civil associations in China through him. Later, in the course of the Super League in the next few days, Ye Xuan was placed in the Hall of Fame with a lot of chips. Although he didn’t get along with this young man for long, he left an interesting memory for Mo Tianyuan.
At this time, in front of Ye Xuan, several young people’s faces looked tired, but they still couldn’t hide their full vigor.
The place where these young people are located seems to be more like a training venue with a scale of several hundred square meters. Although Yecheng’s economy is not as large as those of big cities in China, being able to sit in such a large venue in the urban area also shows that these young people have extraordinary status.
And they are the members of the temple temple of the largest flying mode guild in China!
In this Super League, they also formed a team to compete in Sifang Yecheng, which is located in North China, and with their understanding of the track, they were able to stand out in North China and enter the second round of the tour …
"Brother Ping didn’t expect you to get 6 points in the Northeast Division this week, which is really amazing!" In this a few young people packed Ye Xuan beaming shout.
In front of him sat a boy in a black T-shirt with short hair. When he heard Ye Xuan’s words, he nodded gently and didn’t say much.
And next to him, there are two boys who are still packing. These two boys look very similar. It seems that two brothers generally smell speech. One pair of Ye Xuan pie mouth said, "Isn’t this nonsense? Isn’t it easy to get 6 points with our brother Ping? I think it is a pity that I didn’t get 7 points! "
These two men are really brothers, the speaker’s name is Cao Baoliang and the other is Cao Baode. The short-haired boy sitting in front of several people at this time is the first master Cui Ping in the Temple of Wei Brake!
It is said that this Cui Ping once ran more than 100,000 meters in the first game of the celebrity list in the dazzling flying mode, occupying the first place in this horror record. Today, people have broken the record. You know, it has been more than half a year since he set the record …
Although it is not as difficult to say that the flying mode is good enough to run a longer distance as other modes, it is doubtful that everyone can achieve such a fate in a game of track.
Cao Baoliang’s words made Ye Xuan unhappy, but considering that everyone was under the same roof, there was no dispute with him.
Chapter 65 It’s also a wave of food when you go
Ye Xuan’s strength is not very strong in the Temple Wei Brake Association, and his name is not in the tour team.
In addition to Cui Ping, Cao Baoliang and Cao Baode, there is also a man named Yin Xuejian who is also in the Temple Wei Brake. Although the strength is not Cui Ping, Yin Xuejian’s understanding of several modes is quite strong. In the past few weeks, there have been no points from other teams.
And this week, after the competition in the Northeast Division, several people from Cui Ping came back to change their clothes. After all, the climate in the Northeast Division is very different from that in the South China Division. They just stopped by and returned to the Yecheng Guild Headquarters. Ye Xuan met these guild members here at this time.
Besides Cui Ping, Yin Xuejian is the second best player in the guild. In addition, Cao Baoliang and his two brothers can run to hundreds of thousands of meters in the dazzling flying mode, but Ye Xuan’s strength is a little weak, and at most it is 100 thousand meters. They know their strength. Ye Xuan is naturally not upset because they didn’t bring themselves on this tour, but they are quite self-aware.
However, in spite of this, Cao Baoliang’s two brothers often take him as a reference and feel that Ye Xuan’s strength is not good enough in the temple said ehud Shapiro brake. They always want to find a chance to remove him from the guild, but Cui Ping has never made any statements, and their words are not high. They can also complain secretly and dare not really show their feelings face to face.
But even if they don’t say Ye Xuan, how can they not know? But for various reasons, it is not good for him to get too stiff with these two people.
Now see Cao Baoliang seems to want to go looking for trouble Ye Xuan also ignored him. He was sitting in front of Cui Pingxiao and asked, "Brother Ping didn’t go to the South China Division in the last week of the tour, did he? The competition mode of South China Division is dazzling flying. It seems that it is inevitable that our guild can get 7 points. When the time comes, plus points from several other divisions, it must be very hopeful to advance to the quarter-finals … "
Cui Ping nodded slowly and said, "There is a great possibility, but according to our eyes, we get to know that there are also two strong teams in this South China Division for a week …"
Ye Xuan was slightly startled. I didn’t expect strong as Cui Ping to have his own team to worry about in the dazzling flying mode.
But on second thought, a week later, didn’t the Blast Team, which was noted by many players in China, leave the South China Division?
Although Ye Xuan didn’t take part in the tour, he also paid a lot of attention to the whole schedule. He knew that Mo Tianyuan’s flurry team had a week left before the competition in South China Division was held.
He asked, "Brother Ping, do you think these two strong teams have that high-flying team?"
"That’s right," Cui Ping nodded. "The strength of this flurry team is really not simple. According to reliable sources, they have scored 19 points in the first three weeks of competition, plus a few points a week. Maybe there must be one place for them among the qualifying teams."
"And several people in this team, Xie Xiaofeng and Mo Tianyuan, even I didn’t beat them because I didn’t know his strength."
Speaking of which, Ye Xuan said, "Brother Ping, I know Mo Tianyuan among them. I got to know him very well when I went to the Premier League …"
He didn’t mean anything when he said this, but he was a little proud. After all, the cool running god didn’t have the opportunity to meet everyone. Of course, he didn’t show off his meaning to Cui Ping, because to a certain extent, he knew that Cui Ping’s strength was not necessarily worse than Mo Tianyuan’s.