13, Jun 2024
In a blink of an eye, seven days later, there were more than 1,300 mu of wasteland in Shitouping, and even Fangzhou successfully got it, and paid by the thousand mu.

In the northern suburb of the county seat, a piece of 160 mu of land was successfully bought and also got a great discount.
And Liu Jia found a place for her with mountains, water and gentle slopes. She also found a place in Yang Jiacun.
After all, Dafang Village is mostly flat, with occasional hills or hills. The more you go to Yang Jiacun, the more mountains you have.
Even Fang Zhou and Jane followed Liu Jiaqin to see the place, which was even better than she expected!
The mountains in the area are not very high, but the slope is very gentle. The valley is very spacious and the water source is very abundant. That ravine is more than ten feet wide.
Gukou is a large swamp of nearly 100 acres. From time to time, small springs can be seen coming out and rolling like flowers.
It seems that there are many springs here! It is impossible to raise fish in a pond, but ducks can be raised!
Think about it, if this large flat land was not a swamp, it would have been developed into a paddy field, right? Where can I wait for her!
This large area can be developed into several duck farms, and camphor trees, pine trees and willow trees can be planted around them, which can not only repair the ducks for cooling, but also fix the water and soil.
The duck house will be built in the Woods then, and duck manure can be transported directly to the mountains to fertilize the fruit trees!
There are so many cotton fields that need fertilizer!
In the valley of fish farming, there is enough land to dig five or six fish ponds to raise fish.
When I was there, even Fangzhou stared at this large swamp and was elated, looking forward to Liu Jia’s glimpse of her face. She was not satisfied with this place and her hands spread out with a wry smile. "This mud pond is really unpleasant, but it is old and natural. No one can help it." This place is free! Not a dollar! "
"Ah?" Even Fang Zhou was shocked and opened his eyes wide. It was incredible.
Liu Jia misunderstood her meaning and smiled. "If you don’t want it! I’ve found several places, and this one is the most suitable for you. It’s a pity that there is this muddy pond! "
Why not?
Lian Fangzhou smiled happily. "Can I naturally measure a specific amount of this piece and write it into the title deed?"
"Cocoa, of course!" Liu Jia nodded at once, but it was just a little trouble. But this is a big business and a regular customer. What trouble are you afraid of?
What can I do without such trouble? Unless the pie falls!
This large area, called Luosi Mountain here, has a total of more than 6,600 mu. Liu Jia released water according to 6,500 mu.
It took a total of 32 thousand to buy several places
Shitouping wasteland has to be sorted out after the cotton harvest is completed and during the slack season, and the same is true for Luosi Mountain.
It’s more troublesome to clean up Luosi Mountain than Shitingping. Some swamps need to release water and wait until it dries up before digging ponds and planning planting places. It’s also necessary to transport some soil to be solid.
Although the fish pond is excavated in the valley along the current trend of the ravine, the amount of work is certainly not small.
The mountains on both sides are covered with all kinds of miscellaneous trees and shrubs and vines, and they have to be cleaned up one by one.
There is also the need to widen the ravine, build duck house keeper’s house, dig fruit tree pits, purchase all kinds of saplings, and reclaim some vegetables to feed fish and ducks.
There are still many things!
You have to wait for the slack season to take your time.
In the suburbs, the land will be put aside for the time being before planning.
Now the village entrance compound is still enough!
All the land titles were settled, and at the same time, 14 people were selected from the people’s teeth to come back, so there were 26 people in Su Ji’s hand.
Adding other thugs can produce 70 quilts a day, which is not much, but it definitely earns a lot!
Su Ji came back after four days, and quilt production has been running normally.
The cotton in the field matures day by day. It used to collect more than 1,000 kilograms a day, but now it can collect four or five kilograms a day.
In these days, even Fangzhou invited Aunt Zhang and several people in the village to help.
Even Fang Zhou didn’t think that Sun followed Sun Changxing together to help.
When I met Lian Fangzhou in the cotton field at Sanchakou that day, I couldn’t help but insist on letting Sun go back, but Sun insisted on refusing to laugh. "It’s just that it’s not like I have to do a favor for a long time!"
When Sun Changxing and his wife met with a dark sigh, Miao’s heart secretly said "injustice!" Reluctantly smiled at Lian Fangzhou. "Even the girl, regardless of him, is bored with reading every day. Even the activities are good! You are busy, you go! "
Have they tried to persuade him? Now that he is a scholar, how can he do such rough work in the field?
However, Sun insisted on coming, and the cotton field was not a show, but a down-to-earth and serious work.
When they see each other and listen to others’ true or false compliments, they will know for themselves!
Did the child taste it in his heart without saying it to his face? Is that how he likes it?
Even Fang Zhou saw that they insisted on what to say, so he smiled at Sun. "In that case, I thanked Sun Dage first! However, Brother Sun must listen to my advice. After all, it’s not Sun’s job to exercise his muscles occasionally and adjust his spirit. Don’t be tired and don’t hurt your hands! Don’t delay reviewing your lessons! Otherwise, I will be embarrassed! "
"Don’t worry, I have a sense of proportion!" Sun laughed. "It’s not like I haven’t done any work before. It’s nothing! You go to busy you! "
Sun felt bitter in his mouth. He was attached to her, wasn’t he?
Even fangzhou went with a smile.
The matter of cotton is going on in an orderly way, and everything has been arranged and arranged. Quilts are already being produced, and Su Jin and others have also started spinning and weaving.
You shouldn’t be hiding anything at this time.
Even Fangzhou personally sent two quilts to County Taiye and Ding Taifu.
I gave them not only quilts, but also Lian Fangzhou, who asked Su Jin to make Hangzhou silk quilts outside.
I gave it to Grandfather County, and I gave it to Taifu Ding. The set is a lotus pattern with bean green bound branches.
After all, it’s not nice to give them a quilt. Even Fangzhou wants a good first impression and doesn’t want to leave any defects-even a little.
And giving it to Fang Qing is different from Su Jinghe. It is to do business. Of course, the more real and the better.
What’s more important is that in the future, in case anyone gossips in front of the county grandfather or Ding Taifu that she will send it to Sue’s home first, then send it to them with disrespect and so on, even Fangzhou can have something to say to Sue’s home without quilt cover. Naturally, it will be slower to make a quilt cover for them specially!
It’s a little funny for the county magistrate to hear touts say that even a little commoner in Fangzhou asks to see herself and has something very important to report.
He doesn’t believe a word!
Little girl has knowledge? Light will make a fuss!
Originally, I wanted to say that I didn’t let the touts casually send it away, but the touts took many benefits to buy land and measure it, which made them more friendly, so they helped her say something nice and persuaded the county grandfather.
County grandfather barely met with Lian Fangzhou.
County grandfather’s face sank when he saw Lian Fangzhou unbuckle his bag and reveal a quilt. What are you going to do?
After listening to Lian Fangzhou’s words, the county grandfather was stunned. Suddenly, his eyes flashed. Before he touched the quilt, the light in his eyes was even worse. He almost couldn’t help but say, "This is really made of cotton, made of cotton-quilt?"
If so, wouldn’t he have made a great contribution! Promotion is just around the corner! The name will also rise greatly!
"yes! Please look at the county grandfather! " Even Fang Zhou smiled and nodded to untie the quilt cover and pulled it out from the inside.
"good! Ok! That’s great! That’s great! " County grandfather was so happy that he smiled from ear to ear and his face was red.
Laugh so big I don’t know when he picked up 100 thousand two hundred pieces of silver. Chapter 39 What’s your wish?
Even fangzhou lost no time to compliment and laughed. "This is all thanks to the county grandfather’s blessing! Without you, I wouldn’t have thought of such a good idea to promote my daughter! "
This top hat is worn by the county grandfather. It’s very pleasant to see her so well-advised, but I can’t help but look at her eyes and smile. "That’s your heart, too! Ha ha! Good, good! What kind of quilt is this? Hehe, what a good thing! What a good thing! "