11, Jun 2024
Cui’s house is very big, and Taotao almost got lost.

As she walked, she bowed her head and kicked the footstone, and a white corner appeared in her sight.
She looked up and leaned against a flower tree by the pond.
He took off his face mask and peach bumped into his clear eyes.
Somehow, she embarrassed him to look at him and turned to leave.
Nangong dust hooked her waistcoat. "What are you running for?"
"Who ran away?" Taotao argued weakly.
What are you running for?
As if he were a scourge, as if he were afraid of him.
This is the first time since the Taoist temple on a rainy night that no one else is alone.
Taotao scratched his head a little unnatural.
She pretended that something had happened, walked to the pond and changed the subject. "Cui Guling said that the whole city was full of dead bodies except her life. Why didn’t Cui family die here?"
The Nangong Dust "attacked the city with evil spirits, maybe the spiritual master went out to resist and died outside."
Taotao: "Since they died outside, Cui Guling didn’t move their bodies back after the evil spirits left, and they rotted and exposed themselves in the street?"
Nangong Dust "Maybe Cui Jialing’s teacher has been bitten by evil spirits and can’t tell the difference between faces."
"Nonsense, the demon moths killed people completely. It was only after being stimulated by sacred purification that the demon moths broke open their bodies and flew out. Cui Guling couldn’t tell them apart before we entered the city." She looked at the Nangong dust and suddenly asked her with a bad eyebrow. "Why do you always speak for her?"
The nangongshan dust calm "I didn’t"
Taotao squints. "There is a woman who is not like a good person. You stay away from her."
"She has the same face as you." Nangong Chen woke up peacefully. "If she doesn’t look like a good person, then you don’t look like it."
Taotao "…"
"Even if I speak for her," Nangong Chen paused to look at her, "so what?"
Taotao dissatisfied. "Why can’t you be single-minded when you like me? Do you like her just because she looks like me? "
The Nangong dust raised his eyebrows in Taotao. When he would say something, he said faintly, "I said I like you?"
Taotao zheng she recalled the past.
From the wild prison until now.
I like you. These four words have never come out of his mouth.
Taotao speechless
"I didn’t say that" the Nangong dust and magnetic heavy voice always felt flirting when it was denied "."There was a person who personally admitted that he had my heart stopped raining and refused to recognize it "
It goes without saying who this man is.
Taotao blushed. "Since you never said you like me, do you care if I admit it?"
She didn’t want to continue to talk about it because she came to see the different shapes here. When she was entangled in him, she almost forgot her business.
The nangongshan dust suddenly smiled.
Taotao is shocked
The gentle smell in that smile was that she had never seen it in Nangong Dust Body.
Small monsters in memory are always awkward and indifferent, and the malice imposed on him can be clearly seen.
Even if the clouds of the world were parted and people sat in the tower and looked up to God, they were indifferent and alienated when they were young, and it was always difficult to peel off.
He doesn’t care about everything, but he tries his best to play the compassionate god to help all beings.
Taotao never doubts this.
But at the moment he bent his lip angle
The dim sunlight reflected on the side of his face, and the black hair fell with a gentle light peach, but he vaguely felt the trace of God’s presence.
When the wind passed, he was dressed in white and leaned against a tree that had withered in the sand in the northern region.
Residual yellow dry leaves whirled down on his shoulders, which made him look a little more like fireworks.
Even Taotao is the first time to see him like this.
The nangongshan dust conjured up a piece of paper and handed it to her. Peach didn’t know what it was at first.
I took it and found out that those outrageous things she wrote in the wild prison were worn up by his twine and became one.
Taotao "… why do you still have it? You won’t take it out often?"