10, Jun 2024
Gu Chengyun left the old lady and glanced at Wang coldly, pointing to Gu Chengdong, who had consciously knelt on the ground. "Old! Tell me about you pushing your Jiumei Lake? Today is the full moon of your sixteen brothers. What did I tell you before? "

I didn’t even ask Gu Man first. Now the situation is like Wang’s deep feeling of caring for the old lady.
Gu Chengdong has always been very popular. The old lady likes to see that Mrs. Gu’s face is not bad and she is not very angry. She knelt in front of her a few steps ago and argued, "I can’t help it if she makes people feel uncomfortable!"
Wang snorted the baggage and take the journey. "Just now, the second child also said Aman didn’t say anything from beginning to end, but you said a lot of dirty words! Finally, I started to work. Why did you start to reverse black and white when you got to the old lady? "
Wang tone is very bad from the old lady gave her a leer light way "second wife today is to eat, uh, gunpowder? He is just a child! "
She has always disliked Wang’s nature and the way he works. Old Gu Chengdong is that she has always loved Sun very much, and her weight is much heavier than that of Gu Chengdong. At this moment, I can’t help but feel angry when I see that Wang’s words are directed at Gu Chengdong.
One hundred and nineteen commandments
Mrs. Gu’s attitude has been very obvious, that is, she asked Wang to make peace and roll with the punches.
However, Wang’s temper came this time somehow, but despite the poor complexion of the old lady, she refused to let go and pretended not to understand, asking the old lady to give an explanation.
After all, Gu Chengdong threw something at others first, and then moved his hand. It’s all his fault anyway.
Originally, Mrs. Gu was still the same as before, and Wang would automatically abandon this matter if she wanted to be spoken by herself in a few words. I didn’t expect Wang to be so determined this time because she didn’t know what medicine she had taken wrong. She frowned at Wang for a moment and said, "Is it worth your harsh words and harsh looks for children to fight?"
Wang bit his lip and took a look at all the people in the room and then looked at Gu Chengdong. In my mind, I couldn’t help but see Gu Man’s injured hand and the scene of being pushed into the lake today.
I can’t go to Gu Chengdong anymore. She was brave since she was a child. She bullied Gu Man on weekdays. Who knows that it was Gu Chengdong who made it worse?
This time, Gu Chengdong would be even more reckless if she gently put it down, so she rarely held her head high and firmly said, "The old lady didn’t know that we were all present at the time and whether we had finished treating Aman as our sister. Aman was already panicked and begged him, but he was still indifferent! Where did such a child get such a deep hatred that he deserved to shout out’ I’m going to kill you’? "
Xiao has really become more and more arrogant recently. Glared at the old lady Gu, Liu’s heart can’t help complaining that she won’t teach children too much.
In theory, among these children, there is also a preference for the fifth family. After all, he is the youngest of several children, and the elderly generally prefer the elderly.
Gu Jun doesn’t know when she has turned out from the back room, and her hair has been combed and powdered again. You can’t see the mess just now. She slowly walked to the old lady’s side and sat and listened for a while, then suddenly she smiled sloped and looked at Gu Chengdong with a smile. "Your second aunt is right. Isn’t it too much for you to do so?" Your ninth sister is a girl at least. How can you yell at people as soon as you meet them? "
Gu Jun will also speak for Fannie and Freddie? LiuShi a surprised return to absolute being in the heart secretly hate Gu Jun is swing.
The room was talking about lively jade, so I smiled and held in a few cups of tea. I turned my head and smiled at the old lady. "The old lady, Mrs. Ouyang, came and said that she would come to inquire after you!"
This is also somebody else’s assistant minister Ouyang’s wife’s nod to the old lady’s face, saying, "Let your third wife greet me first, and then she will leave."
Commanded the jade from the old lady turned to look at all the way "! Don’t forget what day it is today. Let’s talk about it when you come back late. Don’t be ashamed in front of outsiders. "
LiuShi wish this horse will Gu Chengdong picked up from the ground and let him apologize to the wang they "ok! Your second aunt has always had a lot of adults. If you apologize to her, nothing will happen! "
Gu Chengdong twisted his neck and didn’t go to see Wang being driven to be nasty. He swished away from Liu’s arms and said, "Let me apologize to my second aunt, but why should I apologize to Gu Jiu, the four girls?" That girl deserves it if she dies. I’ll kill her if she doesn’t die this time! Let her know that I am awesome! "
This is really arrogant. Wang is so angry that he can’t even say words, pointing to Gu Chengdong and blanching.
Even the old lady and Gu Jun were startled by Gu Chengdong.
Just now, the old lady still thinks that what they say about Gu Chengdong being spoiled is serious, and Gu Chengyun’s foul language is not just some children’s family words. Who knows that Gu Chengdong can really scold such vulgarity and horror? She can’t help but be angry and stomp her mobile phone crutches angrily. "Small! What are you talking about? Do you know what you just said? "
Old lady Gu can be partial or partial to favor the fifth room, but she is not stupid or deaf and knows how to raise everyone.
Gu Boqi waste again he also dare not say a dirty word in front of adults, but now Gu Chengdong this small mouth don’t know where to learn some asshole words incredibly still so smooth!
It seems no wonder that Gu Man was angry and a girl would be hanged by gas!
Gu Jun is of great significance. He glanced at Liu’s eyes and looked very playful.
Obviously, even behind Liu’s back, he didn’t speak ill of Wang in front of Gu Chengdong. Otherwise, a good boy can be so cynical.
She doesn’t know that this time it’s really wronged Liu’s wife. Although she is stingy and loves to talk behind her back, she always pays attention to the children and never lets her son know too much about these twists and turns in the backyard. Therefore, Gu Chengdong used to be able to vaguely detect that his mother didn’t like Fannie and Freddie, but she didn’t hate them as much. He really began to hate Gu Manfu and was afraid to start from Gu Chengyu’s instigation that time.
That time, although he scolded Gu Man for many dirty words, it was miserable for Gu Man to toss about, but he didn’t take any advantage himself. Behind him was a deep ruler, and his face was scratched by Gu Man for several deep blood stains. Finally, he was laughed by Gu Chengyu and them.
Liu didn’t expect that she didn’t know how to look at people. At that time, she was embarrassed and embarrassed. She couldn’t help blushing and being at a loss. Now it’s not just that the old lady was still sitting in the first place. She can’t be overbearing.
Wang endured for a long time and couldn’t help it. After all, he angered the old lady and said, "Old lady! You see, he doesn’t admit that he is wrong at all! If it’s so easy this time, what will Aman do in the future? !”
In fact, children’s jokes can’t be taken seriously. Whoever didn’t say that when he was a child, it was not without hitting people. But this shows that an educated public body is really shocking, and the old lady is deeply unbearable, but she thinks that it is full of troubles. If it is not full of that little one, it will not be so violent. Although it is naughty on weekdays, it will never be unreasonable! -in her opinion, Gu Chengdong is a very good boy.
So at that time, she also had some contradictions and didn’t know what to do.
Just then there was a burst of footsteps outside, and then Tinglan raised the curtain and reported, "The second master is here!"
Gu Boqi did get in the door later. Today, he is dressed in a sapphire straight waist with a dark yellow waist and jade ornaments. He looks refreshed than before.
When he saw the strange atmosphere in the room, he paused for a moment. He invited Mrs. Gu to visit him before asking Wang, "What’s the matter?"
Because Wang promised to give him 92 thousand silver, Gu Boqi has become soft-spoken and gentle with her these days.
When Wang saw that he didn’t indiscriminately yell at himself for the first time, he felt a little comforted and then told him the whole process again. At the end, he added, "It’s not that I’m willing to pick things up. It’s ridiculous this time! Just now, I was in front of Assistant Minister Ouyang’s daughter, so I was so fierce that I beat and scolded my sister. I just made a mistake and refused to admit that I killed Aman. Do you think I can swallow this tone? "
That’s true. Gu Boqi, don’t don’t want this person, but it happened that this face not only had to be heavy, but also looked at it again. On the spot, 92,000 pieces of silver became furious and pointed to Gu Chengdong. "Small! You insult others too much! Are you even ignoring my uncle? "
Gu Boqi never cares about this backyard. Even if he does, he is at best tearing his wife and scolding her. Have you ever been so harsh and harsh to help her speak? They didn’t react at the moment.
Family rules are not afraid of women, uncles and men, and that is absolute deterrence.
Gu Chengdong has always been extremely afraid that several uncles will be so discouraged by his roar at the moment and can’t help but wipe their eyes with red eyes.
Liu did not dare to talk back to uncle, but it was Gu Chengdong’s fault, but he stood by and watched.
"All right!" Or from the old lady can’t see to drink Gu Boqi sneered, "It’s true that the father and daughter have suffered a little injustice, so you can’t help but come and give her an injustice?" You are so old that you are not ashamed to scare a child like this! "
Gu Boqi was told by her that she had to reply a few words when her face turned red. "Although he is young, he can’t be taught badly! We haven’t had a dude in Houfu for so many years (in his mind, he is a noble husband and not a dude). Is mother willing to let petty abuse spoil our family? Now that he has learned a lesson at a young age, it will be difficult to correct it if he really grows crooked after waiting! "
This is also true! Gu old lady hung her head and frowned, which was quite difficult.
Or Gu Jun blinked and said, "It’s reasonable for the second brother to say that the family style can’t be bad. Otherwise, when the father comes back and knows, he will have to blame his mother for failing to discipline several boys!"
Wang was a little surprised to see Gu Jun hanging his head without looking at himself.
The old lady was most afraid of the old duke. When she heard Gu Jun’s words, she stared round her eyes and finally said, "Take Dong Ge to the ancestral temple and kneel and starve him for two days so that his master can teach him what filial piety is!"
The update has been very weak. I’m sorry.
Chapter one hundred and twenty clue
Liu Hanxuan didn’t come back from Gu Chengyu at this time. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that everyone was in a circle. His intuition was that he didn’t feel a little upset just before things were finished.
Gu Chengdong was slammed by the old lady and said, I haven’t reacted yet, so I can’t help but struggle with my neck "ancestor! Grandson didn’t do anything from nine "
Seeing that he had to say it was even harder to be obedient, he waved and gave him a slap before coming to Liushi. "You evil! Don’t you know what’s wrong after such a big disaster? !” He turned his head and ordered someone to take him out.
She had the heart to do this to herself, but now the situation is obviously biased towards Fannie and Freddie, and Gu Chengdong caused trouble. She felt a headache and her dissatisfaction with Wang rose to a new level.
Seeing Liu’s own softening, the old lady’s heart really felt a little unbearable again-she always valued Five Rooms. This time, if it weren’t for Gu Boqi’s mouth to get the old duke out, she really couldn’t bear to punish this grandson who has always been loved by herself.