7, Jun 2024
Mo Tianyuan nodded his head, and it was really bad luck during this period. Every time you go to a division, you can meet some abnormal conditions, such as the Family team in the northeast division, the madman team in the North China division, and so on. That is, they are superior in strength and can still have a fighting force after meeting such teams in these divisions.

But if it were other teams, I’m afraid they would have fought back in these strong teams. It’s like the flurry team being assigned to a group of ling evil teams. Their strength is also quite strong, which is not too much compared with Tianya team. But after these weeks of competition, they unfortunately only got 14 points …
After thinking about this, Mo Tianyuan suddenly realized what it was and quickly asked Cheng Wenkou, "Sister Wen, we went to the South China Division this week. The competition mode in this division is dazzling flying. As far as I know, the strongest dazzling flying mode guild in China is Dianwei Brake, right? In which competition area is this temple weisha held this week? It won’t be with us again, will it? "
There is no doubt that Mo Tianyuan knows that if his party meets them in South China, they will fight back.
However, a few people thought, well, it shouldn’t be so unlucky. After all, it’s already very embarrassing to meet those teams with the strongest models in the past few weeks. Is it true that this last week, it was not easy for several weak teams?
Who knows that after hearing this question, Cheng Wen’s face was a little weird and muttered, "Come, I’m going to inform you of this news until tomorrow … There’s nothing wrong with this week. It seems that the Temple Wei Brake is indeed competing in the South China Division."
67 Chapter 67 Bribery
A few people smell speech instant pull a long face.
Lying in the trough! This is really going out without looking at the Gregorian calendar. Every time you go to a competition area, you can meet the strongest team in the country. It’s too unfortunate! ?
Even if our team’s strength is amazing, it can’t stand such a toss!
Cheng Wen smiled awkwardly and explained, "Nothing is strong when it is strong, and we have survived so many strong teams in recent weeks." Don’t worry! It is almost a foregone conclusion that we will reach the quarter-finals if there is no super ghost in this last week! "
"Think about it, except for the teams I mentioned just now, the scores of other teams are not as high as ours. It is considered that the temple Wei Brake only scored 15 points in the first three weeks of the game. Even if they won the Grand Slam in the last week, I am afraid they will not be able to compete with us, but they won 17 points in the first three weeks of the East China Division, which is still not as high as us."
"Like those Huanglong teams and evil shadow teams, it’s less than 15 points in three weeks, which is far from threatening our strength!"
She wanted to take Mo Tianyuan to compete with several people in the past few weeks, but considering that several people in Linghan were not far from their side, they didn’t look at it.
MoTianYuan several people pull a long face for comfort "Vivian elder sister you continue to say"
Cheng Wen laughed. "There is also good news that we played in the last week, that is, it is said that the 71 guild is also left. The last South China Division has not come yet, and their location is in Central China. We will probably meet them in this last week’s competition."
What good news is this? This is good news! The 71 Guild is one of the best people’s guilds in China. In the last week, it was even more difficult to meet them in addition to the temples and temples.
The venue of the South China Division is located in the Guangzhou Sports Center, which has a capacity of 10,000 people. It often accepts some large-scale national competitions. Of course, this is the first time that many sports events are similar to hosting mobile sports competitions.
Just as the flight of several people is about to arrive in Guangzhou, there are several young men meeting and getting together in a residential apartment not far from Guangzhou Sports Center …
Huo Tong is the two main commentators of the daily cool running project of this mobile competition in South China. Besides him, the other commentator is a little fresh and beautiful girl named Mi Xue.
At this time, there were two boys dressed in white casual clothes sitting in front of Huotong. There was a big gray envelope on the coffee table in Huotong’s home, and I didn’t know what was in it.
"Mr Huo, what do you think of our suggestion? After all, strictly speaking, it’s not illegal, because the commentary is played on the spot when explaining the game, and others can’t see anything. Then you need to focus on taking a look at our players when we compete with this team, and then attack that team with a little language. The money is yours … "
One of the two boys dressed in white casual clothes pointed to the bulging envelope on the tea table and said to Huotong in front of him
And after hearing his words, HuoTong didn’t answer immediately, and his face was struggling as if he were considering whether he should accept the advice of these two young people.
The main commentator of the South China Competition, Huo Tong, is actually not very old, but he is in his mid-twenties, but he has been working in the game commentary industry for many years.
At first, after graduating from high school, Huo Tong, who loved League of Legends, joined the ranks of professional candidates. However, he should be a sunrise industrial worker here, but he didn’t achieve any effective results. Later, due to the poor career path, he turned around and started a competition commentary, mainly explaining some LOL and Doa competitions, but he still didn’t achieve his goals.
It was not until the rise of mobile competition in the past two years that he seized the opportunity to transform. When mobile competition was in the ascendant, he explained that some mobile competition events could be called a well-known commentator in South China after such a long period of development.
After a long time in the industry, I naturally know what to do and what not to do in some industries, and I also know what to say and what not to say in the explanation process.
Huo Tong looked at the two young people in front of him. Just now, they talked about letting themselves use some words to hurt a player’s mood and then affect the player’s game. He knew that this had violated professional ethics.
Unlike those contestants in LOL and Doa competitions, their headphones are all isolated from noise and they can’t hear external sounds. In this mobile competition tour project, the contestants don’t have any sound insulation equipment, and the audience’s commentary will be clearly heard by the contestants.
Although it is said that the key to playing in the competition field lies in the accumulation of players’ own strength at ordinary times, if you often hear the audience sing the devil’s advocate or exaggerate the explanation of your opponent’s performance during the competition, it will have some adverse effects on another player’s performance.
For example, in the competition of North China Division, Sun Zhiyuan, the backhand party team, could actually run farther according to his strength during the competition with Xiaojun. However, due to the fact that the audience in the commentary field seemed to pay more attention to Xiaojun’s track and they all shouted out their admiration for Xiaojun’s exercise, and Sun Zhiyuan’s weak psychological endurance led to this fellow dying in less than 30,000 meters.
It is true that there are more reasons for Sun Zhiyuan himself, but if there is no commentary, the audience will certainly be able to run further …
In view of this situation, in the course of explaining the game, the field commentary will mostly focus on two players’ exercises, and explain each player’s exercises on average, so that the audience can watch the game without being influenced by bad noise because of their personal emotions.
It is true that some powerful players with good mentality will not be affected by many external influences, but it is difficult for most ordinary people to remain calm when they hear some unfavorable words.
6 Chapter 6 71 Guild!
Huo Tong knew that the two boys had come to find themselves in front of him just to be a little biased towards them during the explanation process, and it was best to say something unfavorable to their opponents so as to improve their team’s chances of winning.
Huo Tong doesn’t like this kind of violation of professional ethics in his heart, but looking at the bulging envelope on the tea table in front of him, he can’t bear to refuse it.