6, Jun 2024
"Ha-ha, of course, it’s not that another one is born after the deviation. It’s just that the four-yuan genius is illusory to the outside world. I’m still exploring the details, but one thing is certain: the truth can only be investigated from all four continents, but such an investigation is really too difficult for me alone."

"So you found us?" Luo di silently said
"Yes, I can see that you guys are not like those who are famous for their reputation, and your knowledge and intelligence can also help me greatly. Plus, I think you can make progress in this practice of Tong Shaocheng Master!" Oriental Excellence vowed that the clear eyes exuded excitement and expectation.
However, when he was looking forward to planning, he saw two figures suddenly crowded into his front. At first glance, it was Fengxiang and Rou Er, a pair of stooges, staring at him with dissatisfaction.
"Have you forgotten our two masters?" Two people asked at the same time.
"When … of course not, one is handsome and the other is beautiful as a flower. It’s true that the ancients and the latecomers will definitely form a climate in the mainland in the future. This time it depends on the help of two!"
"Wait, what can we do to help you?" The wind Xiang looked sideways when he spoke.
"Because you want to get the treasure of God!"
"Do you have any way to let us get the treasure of God?" Fengxiang and Rou Er’s eyes immediately became sharp. Looking at the Excellence of the East is like looking at a huge treasure.
"Then what can you do to help?"
"When the treasure of God is revealed accurately!"
"What is it?"
"Celestial phenomena are born, and the treasure will naturally open after the thunder of the seven seven forty-nine days. We can take this time to seize the treasure, but this is the most dangerous time. No one knows what is released after the seal of God is broken. No one has ever said that the treasure of God must be sacred, and we must be in harmony with each other. Remember not to go our own way and be punished by God. "
"Well, then we’ll start." The wind Xiang hurriedly finished pulling Rou Er and ran forward. Luo Di and others were afraid that they would lose and quickly followed.
They were stunned by the scene just before they arrived at the Pingshui Sect, and they saw several high-level practitioners around an old man with a white beard and beard who frequently made moves, but the old man actually reached the extreme stage of the Dazhen Yuan form, and remained calm and never forced even in the face of the siege of digital masters.
"Pingshui hierarch Xiao reality really deserves the name that he is the first fix true person in Longyuan mainland. It’s not bad at all. I’m afraid that the body cultivation was better than my father’s in those days, but if it weren’t for the four elders of Xuanqing Sect and the free and unfettered door to drive the spirit beast to help, I’m afraid no one can stop this person again." Tong quietly looked at the distant Pingshui hierarch’s temple in front of him and praised him lightly, seemingly admiring the Xiao reality.
Everyone looked intently to see that there were more than a thousand practitioners in front of Pingshui Sect at this time, but no one dared to cross the threshold of the main hall except a few people in the field, fearing that they would be punished by Pingshui Christians for their lack of repair, and secondly, it was too early to try their best because the treasure of God had not yet been born.
"Rain Xiao Pai is here!"
I don’t know who suddenly rushed out of the crowd after drinking a lot. A number of women dressed in all kinds of clothes, like those who stirred up layers of rosy clouds, ran to the front of the temple of Pingshui leader and left and right, and then got out of it. A girl in colorful clothes was beautiful and charming, and as soon as she appeared, she attracted praise from the people around her.
When they met in the field, they saw that the woman had stopped her hands and looked alert. It was always obvious that she was very taboo to this woman.
"It’s too overestimated to teach that Lotus Ripple, the head of the Rain Xiao Sect, actually arrived in person!" Xiao reality look serious lang said eminence has seeped filar silk sweat.
"How can such a good thing as the treasure of God be without us? We’re just here to join in the fun, but it’s a real person. You’re afraid that the real yuan will break through to the strong real yuan form in a short time?" Lotus ripple smiles appealed and said that playing with a palm-sized pink lotus flower in his hand really didn’t look like the eve of the war at first glance.
"If the Dutch leader wants to join the battle, he will not stop him from hoping that if he dies after World War I today, please don’t make it difficult for me to teach my brother!"
"Boss! We used to live and die together! " Xiao reality the words sound just fell and listen to one side of the two condensate yuan boundary fix true person shouted eyes show limited perseverance.
"Well, then we’ll defend the religion to the death!"
"Ha ha, what a touching scene! Does Pingshui teach to swear to death not to hand over the treasure of God? But I’m afraid you can’t support it for long, can you? "
Listening to a bright young voice from the side, everyone looked up and saw a white young man with a jade folding fan and a printed sword hanging on the side. The elegant body made Xiao Men’s younger brother stare at the rain.
Xiao reality at the sight of the young man in white was slightly burnt, and his face immediately became livid, and his sweat slipped unconsciously, but he looked nervous.
"It turned out that Stuart Jinghong, the master of Xiaoyao Gate and Shaomen, was disrespectful and disrespectful. Except for the five sects of Desert City, all of them are here. Just wait for the treasure of God to enlighten us and we will go our own way. Giggle!" Lotus ripple yan mouth jiao laughs
"Who said that the old man has not arrived!" I heard that a figure sounded like thunder, and floated from a distance at a very fast speed.
People haven’t landed yet, but they have split in the direction of lotus ripples, which drives the strong momentum around them. Huo Ran forms a high-speed rotating hurricane, and the ripple arm will instantly repel a pretty face more than ten feet away. Judging from the power of the other hand, the body repair is much higher than Xiao reality.
"Tong Yan! You … you also came out from the desert city? " Lotus ripple just arrogance disappeared instantly looking at what the middle-aged fix true person with callous face and wide eyes seems to be trembling all over.
And watching the child at this time is also very surprised in his heart. He has always been unable to leave the city. Did his father come to this Pingshui Sect alone this time because of the treasure of God? But now he can’t go out and make friends. If Tong Yan knows he’s coming out privately, he’ll have to take off his skin for fear of not dying.
"Who are you?" Children Yan supercilious god only coldly looking at lotus ripples desert asked.
"You don’t know me? We met in a deserted city ten years ago, but it’s a pity that I wasn’t your opponent in those days, and I’m afraid it’s not now … "Lotus Ripples said that although she was unwilling in her heart, she was able to face the failure calmly, but it was a minority to fix the truth.
"Desert city? Ten years ago? Who am I? "
Tong Yan’s words made everyone wonder whether he was really fixing the truth or being mysterious. All sides immediately became quiet, and no one dared to take the lead.
"Tell me who I am!" See tong Yan suddenly see rage micro himself and catch a rain not far from the side. Xiao Pai’s brother destroyed the body. After the real power in Yuan’s hand was so excited, he abruptly tore it in half that many fix true practitioners were scattered for fear of being caught by this evil spirit.
"How dare you pretend to be my brother!" Lotus ripple rage regardless of their own strength gap, the lotus flower in one hand attacked Tong Yan, and after that, the lotus flower actually turned into a trillion yuan and hit Tong Yan from different strange angles.
"Haha, tell me who I am!" Tong Yan laughed wildly on his back and watched the lotus flowers around him attack the lotus ripples with their bare hands, but when the lotus flowers came close to him, the real momentum emitted by them disappeared.