17, Jun 2024
If you have to get rid of this family!

"Go and tear it down for me!" Jia Yixin reached for the car and pointed forward.
The installed driver froze. "Mr. Jia, this … this is someone else’s room!"
"What other people room this is illegal buildings should have been demolished! We are enthusiastic citizens! "
"No … no, what if someone is inside?"
"How can someone? I’ve already asked around. There are three people living here. Now they’re all in the station. Is there anyone inside? Not even a ghost! "
"No, it won’t do …" The driver didn’t want to do such a thing. Now he’s finished with a shovel to kill half a generation.
"Don’t you do it? If you don’t do it, roll up and roll! "
"hey! I really don’t want to do it! " The driver said, I’ve been doing black jobs for you all day, and I won’t do it with you if I’m stabbed in the spine and I’m still discouraged by you. Where can’t I make money with driving skills?
"You … you dare to go! The salary will not be paid this month! "
"You haven’t been paid this month!" That said, the driver’s master became more confident, got into the car with his own bag and turned around and left.
Jia Yixin was a little dumbfounded. He wanted the bulldozer driver to demolish the house. Unfortunately, the bulldozer driver saw that the installed driver had left and was planning to take the opportunity to pick it up.
"Mom, I’ll do it myself!" Jia Yixin is angry, but he’s just an installer. Who wouldn’t?
Jia Yixin also worked seriously on the construction site. He pulled the door and hit the orange wall straight.
The installation machine runs 2 kilometers per hour slowly, and the noise rumbles slowly. He didn’t notice the two girls crouching outside the farmhouse.
Two girls crouched there and looked down at the installation approaching.
It can feel the malice from the loader.
The road loader is slowly approaching the line that Er Niu drew during the day.
Closer … Closer …
The second girl sat on her side with her head tilted, and her tail slowly untied her back skin, hair and body structure into a semi-rattan shape.
The loaded bucket slowly approaches one and a half meters, ten centimeters and five centimeters …
The line is pressed!
Congratulations to contestant Jia Yixin for being the first to reach the finish line!
"Boom" a loud noise, a huge force will lift the whole installation with a weight of more than 10 tons. A monster will fly like a toy and turn over 720 degrees. Then the bucket in front of the installation will be twisted and deformed like a bite, and there is still a piece missing.
In the cockpit, Jia Yixin bumped around like a bouncy ball in a box. He didn’t know what happened to him at the moment.
"Mr. Jia!" Next to the assistant exclaimed.
Jia Yixin struggled to get out of the car, but his waist was stuck in the deformed seat.
One second "cheep" rang, and the metal roof was torn like paper by sharp claws …
Chapter 145 Uncle Zhuang’s savior!
After one night’s fermentation, Zhuangji winery’s disease-relieving wine has completely become a hot topic among people in virtual city.
On the same night, the flu virus also entered the outbreak period. On this night, many people fell ill. Some people had a bad cough and sneezing, but others had a high fever. Some elderly people who were weak, patients with weak epidemic or people who had long been overdrawn fell ill.
Hospitals everywhere are full, community clinics are lined up for injections, and people have to bring their own stools, even bottle racks are not enough. What’s even more frightening is that the flu has become popular among medical staff.
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Sick worker? It is likely to cause more infections and rest immediately? What about the shortage of medical staff?
And this dilemma not only threatens medical staff, but also threatens all kinds of workers in the streets and alleys of this city.
Virtual city is like a big machine that runs accurately, and this little flu virus has threatened the operation of virtual city.