7, Aug 2024
Li Chongjiu turned his head, but saw Xu Shiji and Song Jingang, and more than a dozen generals rode together to get there. They saw Li Chongjiu riding together to pay homage.

Li Chongjiu helped the two men, Xu Shiji, with a face of shame. "I failed to attack Qingzhou, and I also asked them to blame."
Li Chongjiu didn’t speak. Xu Shiji, Song Jingang and others were all depressed after half a ring. Zhang Xuansu said, "You can’t blame Xu Song’s two generals for this matter. The strength of Cheongju really exceeded our expectations."
Li Chongjiu said, "Let bygones be bygones. Zang Junxiang has wiped out Qingzhou city by our army. Now we are going to conquer Qingzhou and Shandong will be swept away."
Speaking of this, Li Chongjiu paused and looked behind Xu Shiji and said, "Do these people look unfamiliar?"
Behind Xu Shiji, the generals should bow down to one person and say, "At the end, the tiger tooth lang will visit Jiang Shanhe."
Li Chongjiu nodded and said, "I zhida, you broke Xu Yuanlang, and you made great contributions."
Jiang Shanhe exulted, "It’s really an honor for you to remember the bottom of your heart with a little credit."
After Jiang Shanhe, two generals visited Li Chongjiu before.
"At the end of the month, I will visit Xu Shishun."
At the end of the "will Zhang Qingte visit positions"
In Wang Bo Meng Haigong and other generals also salute together.
Li Chongjiu looked at Xu Shishun and Zhang Qingte and said, "I zhida, you are all in the same boat since you defected to my big Zhao side. Xu Shishun named you a captain of Xingyang County."
"Xie Bi" Xu Shishun turned out to be the city magistrate’s ready-made highest military attache in a county, which was naturally happy.
"Zhang Qingte, I will order you to take the county chief."
"Xie Bi" Zhang Qingte is even more pleasantly surprised. The other party turned out to be Liu Heita’s old general Li Jiusi, and he didn’t mind letting him stay in the county.
Speaking of this, Li Chongjiu paused and said, "Do you have a plan to attack Qingzhou?"
Xu Shishun, a surname of the new Xingyang County, looked around and said, "At the end of the position, Liu Lan’s words of pleading for the old to enter the city were so convincing that Liu Lan and Liu Lan both surrendered."
Xu Shishun said this in a big tone. He has a lot of money. He is a former Qi Shang, Xu Caisun, and the Xu family in Donghai is also a big name.
Li Chongjiu heard that Xu Shishun and Liu Lan knew each other. "But if you can surrender them, you can tell Qi Gongshun that I appreciate him very much. If he comes to surrender me, he can give him the title of county king and Liu Lan can keep one side of the county."
When Xu Shishun heard that Dang was more confident, he said, "Please don’t worry about it."
When Xu Shishun said nothing but rode to the moat, Xu Shishun waved his horse and shouted, "I am an old friend of Liu Junshi, please come into the city and see me!" After Xu Shishun said this, the arrows at Chengtou stopped, while Li Chong waved his whip and the Zhao cavalry retreated from the three arrows.
After Xu Shishun entered the city in the hanging basket, he was searched by the left and right foot soldiers. Xu Shishun shouted, "I am an old friend of Liu Junshi. How dare you treat me like this?"
The left and right foot soldiers said, "This is the rule, even if you are Liu Junshi’s father."
After the inspection, Xu Shishun was invited into the tower, and Li Gongshun and Liu Lan both sat in the chair with a cold look.
Xu Shishun saw this battle and said to Liu Landao, "Mr. Liu, don’t you know an old friend?"
Liu Lan’s face sank and said, "Xu Xiong, if you come to catch up, I am very welcome, but if you come to surrender, I think it’s just that. Don’t open your mouth and feel sorry for us."
Xu teacher by the way "mr.liu you this is will? Is Qingzhou City thicker than Pyongyang City? Zang Jun’s body fell down and died. Now there is only one foreign aid soldier left in Qingzhou, Tang Jun, Shandong Province. You must defend the city, Mr. Liu. What do you still insist on? Is it worth working for Tang gaozu? "
Ziguongshun didn’t speak slightly. Liu Lanxiao smiled and laughed. "Not necessarily, I have enough food and grass in Qingzhou for half a year, and I can’t eat enough food. Twenty thousand foot soldiers in the city are willing to live and die in the main, and the winter horse is coming. Can Zhao still besiege the city? Since my Lord was born in a noble family and has been an official for generations, is it necessary for him to serve the common people of Zhao if he doesn’t serve? "
Hearing the insults from the other side, Li Chongjiu and Xu Shishun suddenly became angry and said, "When will Mr. Liu return to his family? If you stick to your family, you will be in trouble."
Liu Lan shook his head and said, "It’s another day for you to talk more. Tang and Zhao will meet with each other. Please don’t talk too much."
Xu Shishun still doesn’t give up the road. "Mr.Liu, you told me the truth that my Lord can’t bear to see Qingzhou’s untold sufferings, and the conditions are also very generous. If you are willing to lower your position, Brother Gong Liu said that Mr.Liu, the king of Fengqi County, will you not lose a county chief? Even a runner like me can be a county captain, but Mr.Liu still hesitates."
Liu Lanyi basked in the way "one chief? Tang Gong took the day, and my future is still less than a county magistrate? "
Xu Shishun tried to persuade him to leave Qingzhou at last.
And after Xu Shishun left, Qi Gongshun said to Liu Landao, "You must not listen to Xu Shishun’s meaning to consider one when the strategist Zhao Jun is under siege."
Liu Lanwen said, "I know that you are weak, but let’s drop Shi Biao first and then Tang Gong. If you don’t fight, you will drop Zhao. Isn’t it people who look down on Zhang Shan, the general manager of Yizhou? At the beginning, according to Wang Shichong, the grain in the city was exhausted, that is, Youzi refused to drop Zhang Shanxiang. After his death, he said that I was negative and kind, so Zhang Shanxiang, the county magistrate of Xiangcheng, died, but left a name. Since I have dropped Tang Chen, I shouldn’t have another situation, and we
Li Gongshun was very moved when he heard this. "If someone reads less but knows the word loyalty, it’s up to you."
Xu Shishun reported to Li Chongjiu that it was Liu Lan’s obstinacy to persuade him not to surrender.
Li Chongjiu listened to his heart and told him to surrender, so he prepared to attack the city.
But Zhao, who was guarding the west gate of Qingzhou City that night, caught a spy.
Zhao foot soldiers directly put this person in front of Song Jingang, and after Song Jingang questioned him, he learned that it was difficult for Chunyun, the general of Qingzhou Army stationed in Ximen, to intentionally offer the door to surrender to Zhao …
Chapter six hundred and seventy-nine A bloody battle at the gate
Zhao Jun Zhongjun big account
It’s hard for Chunyu to send a letter. Xu Shiji read it several times and handed it to one side. Chunyulang asked, "What do you think?"
Chun Yulang read it carefully and said, "This letter is really a handwritten letter from my brother. I can recognize it without any mistakes, and the messenger is also my brother’s confidant."
Chunyulang said that everyone’s eyebrows were a sigh.
Aside Jiang Shanhe said, "Since it was sent by a surname, it is reasonable to think that I don’t agree with Liu Lan’s insistence and surrender to our army to offer the city to open the door."
Xu Shiji asked, "When was the agreement?"
"It’s hard to say that Chunyun will open the city gate and let our troops into the city when three lanterns are hung at the head of the city at night."
Zhang Xuansu said, "Wait, show me the letter."
Zhang Xuansu turned over Chun Yu Lang’s letter and Li Chongjiu asked, "Is there anything wrong with Zhang Aiqing’s letter?"
Zhang Xuansu fuels: "There is nothing wrong with it, but it is because there is nothing wrong with my heart that I feel a little wrong."