4, Aug 2024
The land of China has always had two main places, namely, unified mountains, two tigers and two days …

So he hurried to remedy it.
"General Wang Tian, a virtuous man, rose up in the ranks to expel Hu Lu and recover China. Can the general not be the Chinese master? Korea wishes the general to guard the frontier and never be a small China. "
Su Yonglin hooked the corner of his mouth and felt that Yin Linzhan still had something to do. When he heard his own words, he made a remedy and didn’t make himself feel unhappy.
So he is not difficult to Yin Linzhan.
"Well, expelling Hu Lu and recovering China is the reason why I opposed Jin Daye. Now, anti-Jin Daye will become China’s recovery, and it will no longer be a bubble. If you think about it, you still feel that your dream is incredible … What am I doing in Jianghuai?"
Yin Linzhan recognized the implication of Su Yonglin’s words, but he didn’t believe any nonsense about Jianghuai cloth. This must be Su Yonglin’s compulsion.
But if he pretends to be forced, he pretends to be forced. He is the biggest in the Central Plains, and he can pretend whatever he wants.
So he immediately flatters and praises Su Yonglin, Britain and SHEN WOO as the Lord of Greater China.
Su Yonglin laughed and rewarded Yin Lizan.
This diplomatic contact is not a formal contact, nor is it a formal award. Su Yonglin has not yet proclaimed himself, nor has he any titles. At present, he is still the deputy commander of the Guangfu Army and the head of the General Administration. These two titles are in the hands of the former military and political university.
Su Yonglin’s identity is still a rebel, and he has not been rewarded with Koryo’s righteousness.
However, Korea doesn’t care. They obviously want Su Yonglin to keep in touch with Korea and remember that Korea flatters and respects him. That’s enough.
All that’s left is for Su Yonglin to officially proclaim himself emperor.
Yin Lingzhan asked Su Yonglin about some arrangements in the future. Su Yonglin didn’t give a positive answer. He told Yin Lingzhan that he would send troops to attack Xu Jin completely and replace Xu Jin’s hegemony in the Central Plains.
Yin Lin understands that this is Su Yonglin’s answer.
And he had a premonition that Great China was about to really rise, and an emperor Ma was about to push Great China to a peak, and Korea had to take this ride or she would be left in the dust of history forever.
Anyway, little China will never give way to Korea!
By the end of April, the spring ploughing foundation in the occupied area of the Guangfu Army had been completed.
During the spring ploughing season, Su Yonglin let the army prepare for war, and at the same time, let the soldiers have no soldiers to help farmers plow the fields and grow food, so as to make it a routine and rule for the army to help farmers produce, further deepening the situation between the army and the people.
The recovery army came from the peasants, and naturally we must safeguard the interests of the peasants.
The best way to promote such mutual trust between farmers and the army is to take turns to help farmers near the station when the soldiers of the Guangfu Army are out during the busy farming season.
Troops stationed in Yanyun, Hedong, Henan, Shandong, Liaodong and other places went to the local villages with the least labor force to help spring ploughing, and hundreds of thousands of dragons and tigers joined in to help those local villages with the least labor force solve their worries.
Su Yonglin and Zhao Xirui also went to the villages near Zhongdu to help plow and sow during the busy farming season.
Whether it’s showy or not, if we don’t set this example, the officials of the Guangfu Army and the revival of membership will be touched
Emperors of all dynasties have done this.
Before the spring ploughing, emperors led their ministers to worship the heavens and the earth, praying to heaven that the weather was favorable and the country, the people and the country enjoyed a bumper harvest, and then pretending to work for a while to show the emperor’s attention to agricultural production.
Su Yonglin’s practice seems to others to be similar to this kind of business, although Su Yonglin and Zhao Xirui really helped to farm the old bureaucrats and the old gentry looked no different.
However, what makes these people feel a little dissatisfied and worried is that Su Yonglin refused to participate in the traditional action of sacrificing heaven and earth before the start of spring ploughing.
Not only does he not participate in it himself, but he also does not allow it to be officially held.
He asked local officials to devote themselves to the production of spring ploughing, and no official activities to worship heaven and earth were allowed.
Chapter 567 Many people didn’t expect Su Yonglin to be a disciple of Xun.
According to Su Yonglin’s administrative order, people can hold spring ploughing sacrificial activities in Shaoxing in accordance with their own customs, but the official is not allowed to hold them in the name.
The government must put all its financial expenditures into building water conservancy projects. Whoever dares to disobey orders and hold official sacrificial activities is dismissed immediately and is not negotiable.
Su Yonglin said that it would not be helpful to agricultural production if he did not work hard to cultivate fields and build water conservancy projects.
Just after the war, the Central Plains was severely damaged by gold thieves, and it is time for sports officials to make every effort to restore production and ensure people’s livelihood.
Isn’t it putting the cart before the horse to hold meaningless sacrificial activities at this time when you don’t want to devote yourself to agricultural production and water conservancy construction, but you have to spend money, food and precious agricultural time?
In the name of Su Yonglin, the General Administration did issue an order asking the official department to participate in agricultural production activities to build water conservancy. The better, the more, the better, and the better.
The quantity and quality of water conservancy construction will become an important criterion for judging the achievements and promotion of local administrative officials by the Examination Department of the General Administration of Taxation.
Su Yonglin made public an important standard of official promotion, which caused a wave in the occupied area of the retrocession army.
Of course, it is not because of the promotion standard. The promotion standard of officials has always changed with the preferences of rulers. It is not important at all. It is Su Yonglin’s thought of governing the country that is reflected behind this promotion standard.
Many people didn’t expect that Su Yonglin was actually a Xun believer who believed in heaven and earth.
Although Xun was also a great scholar in the Warring States period and a Confucian himself, we also had a close relationship, and with the development of the times, Xun thought was incompatible with the mainstream Confucianism today.
Modern Confucianism advocates the unity of heaven and man, the combination of heaven and man sensing earth superstition, and the combination of emperor and god, which makes the emperor have a Confucian style all day long and has a great influence on society.
After the low tide of Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Confucian school finally regained the official guiding ideology in the Northern Song Dynasty because of the constitutional status of the country, which was based on this set of rhetoric that met the needs of the rulers in the Northern Song Dynasty.
Xun’s thought is just against the induction of heaven and man, against the unity of heaven and man, and believes that heaven is heaven and man, and there is no connection between them.
This simple materialistic concept is unacceptable to mainstream Confucianism today, and it shakes the basic idea of Confucianism since Dong Zhongshu came, and it is not in line with the interests of feudal rulers