2, Aug 2024
Zhong Le was skeptical, thinking that it might be that the owner of this teahouse had never seen the world before, and it was too exaggerated.

However, the frontier fortress general Shi Dingtian was a first-class master in the Central Plains dynasty, but he lived in seclusion and often kept a low profile.
Ordinary people should not be able to hear his name if they don’t really have a little contact.
Two hundred gold is not credible, but it may have happened that someone from the general’s office came to carve a reward tablet.
Zhong Le took the teapot and poured a cup of tea. After drinking half a mouthful, my heart was a little excited.
Tea is just coarse tea, which can’t be compared with Longjing, Wuyishan Dahongpao, etc., which were drunk in Xianju before the rain, but it’s the first time since he fled to this frontier town that someone invited a pot of tea because he listened carefully.
This will not make him feel excited for a long time.
It seems that my career has been confirmed again and I hope to see the light again.
"Thank you, Wuye, for taking a sip of hot tea and moistening your mouth. Today I will tell you another paragraph."
The people in the teahouse are naturally applauding
Zhong Le swished a folding fan, and his face turned slightly red and refreshed. "What I’m going to talk about is the latest big event in the Jianghu, which can be described as a sensation in Wulin and a shock to all religions."
"I don’t know how many great people in the four seas have to pay close attention to the news and carefully measure the myriad sorrows ~ ~ ~ ~ Come on!"
By the end of this passage, he had a long look, but he couldn’t help cruising around to make sure there was no sword here, which made the Wulin people feel a little relieved.
Because he is going to tell a story about the seven peaks and it is a section-"the death of the peak."
"It is said that Xuzhou City, thousands of miles away, claims to be the imperial capital of the Nine Dynasties. In ancient times, the man of God in Peng Zu lived here. Liu Bang, the Emperor Gaozu of Xuzhou, was born in this place. Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, chose this place as the capital."
"Thirty years ago, a crying temple was set up in Xuzhou …"
Zhong Le can really be called a lover of saying that people are more or less idiotic.
Although he made a great turning point in his life because he told the story of the Seven Peaks, he fled all the way from the bustling city to come here, and his future was frustrated and his family was damaged. I don’t know how long it will be.
But the more afraid he is to talk about things, the more enjoyable he will be when he catches the opportunity.
When he said that there were several white bones and many babies at the bottom of the lake, he picked up a bowl of tea at the corner. "Old Five" couldn’t help but look frowning and his eyebrows were suddenly squeezed out with a very deep hanging stitch.
Suddenly, thunder led some people to look outside.
In the sunny day, a thick lead cloud suddenly gathered, and a heavy rain was coming.
The cold wind howled.
The owner of the teahouse went to the door. The rain blew in and wet the clothes of these listeners.
Passers-by have quickened their pace.
It was noticed that before the rain fell, many microwaves were abnormally released in the small river in the town, as if the whole river was shaking.
If anyone has a broad vision, they will feel that at this moment, the whole world of this town seems to be in some kind of fierce anger.
Tianyun’s water room tiles are like releasing their anger in some knowledge objects.
It happened that every grass and tree in life, no one could notice this change.
On the edge of the town, a man and a half went to the water tank with a ladle. Suddenly, he saw the ripples in the water tank fluctuate endlessly. As soon as the ladle hit the water surface, the whole water tank broke with a clash.
This sound can be heard by someone in a teahouse in the distance.
The rough hand lifted the bowl and gulped it down.
The young man’s face returned to normal
They listened to the muffled thunder outside for a while, and the wind blew for a while, and then gradually quieted down. The dark clouds gradually dispersed and there was no rain.
This "God’s knife breaks, the island cries, and the purple thunder kills the temple" was told by Zhong Le for half an hour, and I didn’t know how much I guessed the story until I finally got back to the truth.
"The order that the Purple Raytheon transported the bones from the bottom of the lake to bury the island and set up a giant monument to make the vast lake return to the Qing Dynasty. Soon after, the remnants of the crying temple repented and joined the so-called …"
Beat the gavel
"Xi Chu long ting!"
The people in the teahouse listened attentively to the last sentence, and after a moment of silence, there was a fierce applause.
The teahouse owner hurried to and from Zhong Le’s hand with something in his hand, and his face was very excited.
As soon as Zhong Le started, he realized that it was actually an ingot of gold.
"This is …"
"It’s from the Wuye again."
Zhong Le guessed before the teahouse owner finished. He looked at the position of the old five just now, only to see that the man had turned and pushed the door out.
There is a breeze outside.
Laowu walks
"Daokuang, after talking to you a few times, I felt that your sex would kill yourself one day sooner or later, but I didn’t expect that it was only in the past few years that you were killed by others before you reached the point of suicide."
"But it’s really damn."
The burly figure has passed through the whole town in three or two steps and reached a high slope outside the town.
You can see a glimpse of Yuan Ye from here.