29, Jul 2024
He’s on guard. What’s the sign of the fire? The robbery is unstoppable! The kings of great destruction are extraordinary, but there is no difference between the ghost king and the paper men buried in the coffin shop before the ancestors painstakingly set up a fierce battle.

White paper, the king dies.
When he died, he didn’t know he was dead. Before his body melted away, he was thinking of marching across the array. This is the last time …
Because the distance is still far, it is better to fall from the sky and come from the west to the silver cloud, and the fierce monk field is better than the white paper king. They can see with their own eyes that Lingzhou has become hostile, and the sun has suddenly changed in front of them. The mighty men immediately thought of retiring.
I thought of it, but I just thought about it
If you want to escape, the flame will rush to your body, brain, soul and heart.
Anxious state kills and robs too fast!
The silver cloud exploded, and the fierce monk melted the heart, and the swaying giant temple was burned into smoke, and it was gone in an instant.
It’s better for a fierce monk to know that he will die before he dies than to die in vain.
The restless state has become a fire-killed place, and the ghost king has just built a "bridge", which has been breached and destroyed in an instant. All the evil spirits crossing the bridge are lost! Su Jing, a psychic in a royal robe, could hear the tragic cry of the fierce ghost striker charger.
On the other side, the collapse of the vermilion giant gate in the leaking abyss has just started, and ghosts and soldiers will live.
The three ghost lords looked at each other with surprise, anger and luck. It’s never wrong to drive a ship for ten thousand years. Although the array is fast, the process is dangerous. When the array is destroyed halfway, people can survive. All the ghost lords are not in a hurry to get started. Go over and hold the opposite side first, and they will leave. It’s because of caution that they are still alive …
The flames in the restless state skyrocketed! Kill the three major forces, the strong restless state flame does not converge, but continues to sweep Fiona Fang for 36,000 miles, burning everything!
There are many other fairies and demons gathered outside the array of 33,000 Li in the former Leaking Deep Ghost Array. Later, the Buddhists stormed all over the sky, and most of the fairies retreated again. But this is not absolute, and some of them are bold and close … There is nothing to say that people can live within the 36,000-Li envelope of the ancestors’ flame in kill array.
For 36,000 miles, it’s all dead.
It’s like a bolt from the blue, when the protective array broke out, it came to a halt, and the state was restored to peace, and it turned back into a small place, which suspended the universe motionless and quiet.
The method of killing, robbing and collecting array still turns to the center of the earth, where the flames are blazing and the array is gaining momentum again. The launching process of the grandmaster array is somewhat like that after an archery outbreak, it is necessary to collect the momentum first, and then make a second outbreak.
If you can’t burn a wick of incense in that endless 36 thousand miles, kung fu will consume one of the array forces
I got it … There was a strange noise in my ears. It was the sound of his own teeth fighting. I was scared to death. I almost died. A moment ago, my second brother was taking a leisurely look at the ghost king and seeing that he was taken away when his mind was tight. Before he could understand what was going on, he saw that "outside" was on fire.
"Eat a fish to suppress the shock." The kitten claws up a fish and holds it high.
It’s nothing for the cat to bring Lieer into the small light roof just before the launch of the protection array driven by Su Jing.
Fierce Xiaoer can probably appreciate the tears and be flattered. He took the raccoon dog and handed it to the fish. Su Jing, a god, projected a small light, and nodded to Fierce Xiaoer to show that he was safe and no longer dying.
"Too hard?" The raccoon dog looked up at Su Jing. The cat’s eyes sparkled and stared at Su Jing’s eyes hard.
Su Jing’s eyes were calm. "I can’t control it, and I have no choice but to be ruthless … I can’t hold this heart."
You don’t even think about it when you are in the territory, you will know that there will be several ghost lords coming. Don’t look at the ancestors’ array to destroy the ghost king. It’s as simple as burning paper, but if you really want it right, can the ghost Lord win? Su Jing is not sure that the ghost master and the ghost king are different, but they are different.
Motivate the ghost Lord of the protection array to have a contest? Su Jing didn’t have the luxury. When he begged to delay as much as possible, his predecessors worked hard to hope that they wouldn’t break their hands … He said to a god, crow, deceit, money and silver
Hello, corpse collector
Goodbye, corpse collector
However, Su Jing, who pulls the trigger and ignites the fuse, cannot control how much armor the giant crossbow can penetrate and how much scorched earth the cannon can melt.
Since that French bridge must be destroyed and kill array, an uneasy state, must be launched, then whoever is it! There’s nothing to regret, but he can also say that he will recognize the dream of "a corpse collector, a silver sky, and a perfect sun rising from the west in the future"
This dream can be realized if you don’t hold it now, but Su Jing doesn’t want it to be shattered in his own hands …
The flames swept through the ghosts, stars and buddhas, destroying 36,000 miles. Everything was flying in smoke for a while, and the sky was quiet and restless, and there was another sound in all directions of the state! Being 36,000 miles away, the fairy demon was unscathed. Although Bo was unscathed, people were stunned without being horrified.
Ghost home large array without the big altar fairy is no longer uneasy state, and it is uneasy state to suspend a Jing Shi Lingbao in front … Let’s see who dares to go before.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and thirty-five Seventeen True color pavilion
Ghost home large array without the big altar fairy is no longer uneasy state, and it is uneasy state to suspend a Jing Shi Lingbao in front … Let’s see who dares to go before!
There are many bold thieves in the world.
I didn’t let Su Jing wait too long. After a cup of tea was peaceful, three immortals broke into the large array from three directions: east, east and rushed to the restless state. Su Jing didn’t hesitate to kill them directly.
Three immortals were killed by flames, and on the spot, it was half a column of incense kung fu. A couple looked like immortals, and they rushed into the east with their treasures to protect themselves. Su Jingyi urged kill array to kill again for the third time.
Fierce little two teeth don’t fight, dutifully explain to Su Jing the identity of the newcomers. With one exception, they are all hidden immortals. They may not be the first to die. The fierce monks in China and the West, the stars are full of silver clouds, but they either know the fire path, are experts in repairing fire, or have magical treasures that can be turned into real fire.
All five people were able to stop kill array by themselves. They thought they had a chance to explore the treasure in Unstable State, but they died.
"After the death of these five people, I want to feel uneasy that the state can be peaceful for a while." Fierce Xiao Er said to Su Jing that there was some assurance in his tone that the tragic death of the fierce monk Yinyun was not enough to dispel all people’s greed, especially the fairy family who was proficient in fire magic knew how to deal with real fire better than others, but then five people fell enough to wake them up.
Su Jing smiled at Lie Xiaoer and replied, "I hope so."
May things go wrong, and may Su Jingyin’s vision appear again as soon as he falls outside the uneasy state. Thirty-six thousand miles away, the square sky suddenly blurred …
The shrimp hides in the mud and looks at the pond with a pair of eyes. It can see all the way from the water to the surface. What will the shrimp see when someone pours a bowl of ink into the pond?
What shrimp sees at this moment, Su Jing sees what comes clear and far away, and suddenly a cloud of ink surges like a cloud and thick and sticky pulp! Black pickles, but if the color is dark to the extreme, it will become pure and transparent, and you won’t see any dirt and gloom.
Extreme black
After a group, there is a group after another, about 36,000 miles in all directions in the southeast and northwest. The sun fire kills the large array, and there are 17 groups of ink before and after the ink tumbling and rolling.
Most of the immortals outside have never seen this color, and I am surprised by this spell. I have retreated and scattered Su Jing, but my eyes are cold. It really came.
Su Jing, the natural enemy of djinn’s flaming sun, has been in contact with the black troll. There is not a person who doesn’t hate the sun. Not long ago, how can djinn be aware of the amazing blooming potential of the early state?
Maybe they are not sure what, not sure that there will be a perfect sun in Lingzhou in the future, but with the help of "natural enemy energy", when the first light of Anjou sweeps across the northwest, djinn will hate it.
What the heart hates is destroyed.
Who cares what treasures there will be in the uneasy state? This world is true color and eternal enemy. So how can djinn be indifferent? Other fairy tales, such as fighting and killing, are all lost, but djinn’s eyes are more directly destroyed!
After a short time, the thick ink of 17 regiments rolled around, and the vast stars and sky shook it violently, and the thick ink collapsed and dispersed, and the ink hidden objects appeared in the pavilion.
The black snake on the tile roof and the black bird carved on the black pillar look strange, and the pavilion is simple and pure black.
Seventeen pavilions are located in the seventeen regiments of ink.
See each other casting this Su Jing thought of a sentence in my heart, 17 true color pavilion hook link to draw heavy method …
In the last battle before Fei Xian, when djinn’s army invaded China, the black giants tried to perform a heavy skill. At that time, Shi Xiaoxiao, who was captured, shouted "The 17th Pavilion Hook is linked to make the method of drawing students heavy", and the heavenly magic altar is equally famous and respects the Hexue Pavilion, which is to destroy this spell.