21, Jul 2024
But will the demons be frightened by Niu Mowang in the past? He is weak. If he can recover, he can’t be punched by Niu Mowang.

The demons looked at each other and their eyes were ferocious.
"Want to accept us? That also depends on whether there is such a thing! " Group of magic immediately descended to drink together towards two Jiang Tai.
"Don’t move!" Tathagata said to Bian Que and Meng.
Two people nodded.
Two Jiang Tai step forward.
A group of fierce pounced on Niu Mowang, the keeper of hades. This time, they didn’t make moves, but they gave me a sneer. Don’t blame me for your death.
Hades punched out a blue palm and suddenly appeared in front of twenty fierceness.
"Brave!" Group of demons immediately sneer at their respective palms to meet up.
"Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae!"
Rolling green smoke emission
"ah! Ah! Ah! I fix it, I fix it! " The magic suddenly exclaimed
However, it is a solution to correct an extremely horrible speed and rapid ablation.
On the other side, Tathagata is also a hand-tapping agent.
"Wuzhishan!" Drink as soon as you come.
"Boom!" A huge mountain suddenly crushed a group of demons.
The seal of the seal of God is more powerful than a group of fierceness, and suddenly they are terrified. They stare big eyes and can’t even say how surprised they are when they speak. Look at the Tathagata.
In an instant, a group of fierce demons were restrained? What strength are these two people? No wonder Niu Mowang was a minister.
"Boom!" The keeper withdrew his palm.
With a wave of his hand, the Tathagata reached for Wuzhishan.
Just one move will show two Jiang Tai fierce.
"such as? Now give you a way to choose? " Niu Mowang said lightly.
The fierce demon’s face changed and he looked at the wolf demon that was torn apart not far away.
The fierce demons are already white. The two evils brought by Niu Mowang this time are definitely prepared, leaving them with three paths: follow Hades or follow Tathagata or die!
Staring at each other
"It’s only been a hundred years. You quickly decided to go to other places later!" Hades light way
The demons looked ugly and finally nodded.
The demon world is often a strong one. If you cheer it up, he will drop you!
Now the Tathagata, the strength of hades, everyone can see that it is the tip of the iceberg, so fierce that they can’t stop themselves!
"You guarantee a hundred years!" A deer demon frown way
"Whether to go or stay with you after a hundred years, but if you run away in a hundred years, we will hunt you down to the end!" Hades light way
The fierce demons were silent for a while and finally nodded.
"Well, then let’s make a poison oath!" The deer demon mouth way
"No need, I don’t believe this!" Hades shook his head.
The demons gave me a surprise.
Swearing is not big, but sometimes it has a psychological constraint after all. After all, it is easy to swear by demons cholera when breaking through, sometimes it is sometimes not, but it is dangerous when demons come. Practitioners rarely swear.
But Tathagata and Hades don’t care about this?
"Let’s go and take us to other places!" Niu Mowang Koudao
The fierce demon looked at two Jiang Tai finally nodded his head.
Chapter 19 The Lion Camel King
Da Lei Yin Temple Daxiong Hall!
Magic gas surrounds all around.
Tathagata, Hades, Niu Mowang, Meng and Bian Que have followed nearly 300 fierce demons behind them.
"This is Fuxi Bixiao?" Tathagata frown way
"There is no qi with these magic gas? How did you live for so many years? " Asked the keeper.
Niu Mowang Makou said, "There is no vitality, but every once in a while, this moment will leak a breath of life to our body. Although it has been sealed for many years, it has always kept us alive!"
"Oh?" Tathagata doubt way
"The magic gas around here is really emitted from us. If it is too small and too depressed, it will produce a resentment. If it is not excreted in the body, it will definitely drive the demons crazy, but the little life gas has this strange effect. We can constantly solve the magic gas!" Niu Mowang explained.
"Will you be sealed here in the end?" Tathagata curious way again
Speaking of this, all the fierce demons are angry.
"It’s not that Fuxi didn’t distinguish right from wrong. At that time, there were many immortals in the human world. Although we were dominated by one side, we were not super strong. Fuxi found us separately, pointing to the murders we committed, saying that we were too violent and arrogant, and that if we were lucky enough to rely on development, we would become a peerless devil sooner or later and endanger the whole life!" Niu Mowang said.
"Is the devil number just chose us at that time? I just ate a villager! " A snake demon frown way
Hades and Tathagata frown.