1, Jun 2024
"What happened to the colonel?"

Two people see forget dust didn’t answer, so leaned forward eyes flashing is to see the amazing scene.
"What the hell is this?" A behemoth stood in front of them and brought them not only visual shock but also soul shock.
"I must persist in going to the abomination, and I will find it." running all the way, the Lord of the desert, is a city of his heart, but he has to face the fact that he must find a kingdom that has been flowing for thousands of years.
"Be sure to wait for me"
But when he saw this vacant desert, he was lost in confusion. Where was the royal secret room in the vast desert? How could he find it?
Unwilling to roar, the Lord of the desert, the man who knows how to bleed, has shed tears at the moment because of heaven’s injustice. Why should his desert clan bear such a price?
To meet such a disaster
"Ancestor, if you have a spirit in heaven, please find the location of my royal chamber of secrets, please guide you to seal the moon god again in the future." Suddenly, his blood suddenly gave off a strange brilliance when he bit his lip.
Chapter two hundred and sixty Machine behemoth
"What the hell is this?"
The behemoth that caught everyone’s eye brought them not only a visual shock, but also a horrible feeling that made their hair stand on end.
"This is the picture in which the beast has been to the machine, and it was once transported back from the desert clan to guard the royal treasure." Forgetting the dust in the stone wall picture is not only the moon god’s past, but also everything for this royal family.
The warrior who once sealed the moon god established the desert royal family and became the most powerful family in the desert of death. Today, it has become the royal family, perhaps to record the race. They have portrayed themselves and their history in the stone wall. One of the greatest projects is the beast in front of them.
There was a time when the machine beast destroyed the invading enemy on its own.
This is also one of the powerful devices of the desert people to town the country.
I don’t want to disturb this sleeping giant until I have to forget the dust. You know, this robot beast is called a "weapon of war", so you can imagine how amazing its power is
"Colonel, if I’m not mistaken, the entrance seems to be blocked by this guy and we can’t get through the dead corner." Don’t ask for other special skills to perceive the entrance location, but it’s a pity that it is blocked by this strange humanoid robot.
Shadow Night was silent for a moment and dragged Ba to say, "That is to say, if you want to talk, you can’t avoid fighting with such a big guy."
Looking up, the behemoth was breathtaking.
Moreover, the square stone face of the beast is in front of them, and the dull eyes, although the hole, give people a more strange feeling, which seems to be staring at their every move all the time.
Forget the dust Kiyomi glanced at whether there would be other entrances around the circle, but obviously the only entrance was in that guy’s square body and it was blocked up.
"Since there is no way to avoid words in the battle, let’s do it." Forgetting the dust, I left alone. "But I am enough alone. I will lift this guy up later and you will take the opportunity to enter the cave!"
"Isn’t it? One person? " Looking at the forgotten dust in the shadow night is just like a monster, and Lu Tianyou has been listening to such a big guy for a long time, let alone dozens of tons.
And I don’t know what material it is made of, which may far exceed this figure.
"Is it really okay?" It’s not good to try to be brave in some things, but obviously they don’t know how strong it is to forget the dust now. "Come on, colonel, this guy is still sullen after being defeated by Luna. It’s hard to let go of it." Don’t ask for it, but it’s an indisputable fact that people who know best about forgetting the dust now are in such a mood to be seriously injured by Luna, although they still have a lot of strength to play, but losing is losing.
"I shot the candlestick and you took everyone into the entrance" as he said, he forgot that the dust body was wrapped in a silver flame to form a dragon, and his arms suddenly slammed and doubled.
"condensed the power department in your arms?" This is the first time that several people have seen the way of forgetting dust to fight because it will bring a certain burden to the speed of the body.
Forget the dust every step and exude a strong aura, with a thunderous walk towards the machine behemoth.
See his hands flush with strong terrorist arm strength came to the machine beast body a roar found a fulcrum forget dust explosion drink a huge machine beast unexpectedly sent a noise.
See forget dust arm gradually off the ground, accompanied by his ferocious roar, the machine beast was lifted a little bit, and when the machine beast woke up, he found himself physically lifted by human beings.
"Mom, this is a monster! !”
"Colonel has super god! ! !”
"it’s simply b! !”
Spitting from teammates is not enough to forget the dust. This guy B is scared. When this beast is lifted, it can make the gods cry, especially with the roar of forgetting the dust, it has formed a feat picture.
"Right now!"
Forget the dust, just open your mouth, don’t ask him, maybe it’s also infected by the move of forgetting the dust, surrounded by an aperture, and they almost instantly came to the entrance of the machine body.
But after all, they miscalculated the power of the beast! !
"Despicable human! !” Listen to the strong words coming out of the mouth of the beast, and see that his mind movement has changed the location of the entrance, which can make everyone dumbfounded. Can this beast still control the entrance here?
No, with the gradual change of the entrance and the awakening of the beast, people found that he could not only control the entrance, but also control the whole lot. Everything here is under the control of the beast! !
"I knew it wasn’t that simple! !”
"Let you see despicable human power! !”
"Life is burning! ! !”
Forget the dust, and the power department of Luna broke out. The flame behind him burned like a ferocious monster with a roar. He launched a heavy punch! !
"Thousands of waves! ! !”
Thousands of waves are definitely the most powerful blow of heavy punches, and the cracks are released from the bottom of the machine beast. Later, I heard a loud bang, and the whole machine beast broke into square pieces and forgot the dust. This terrible force once again made people stunned! !
The entrance in the sky forgot the dust and walked towards the entrance, so he swaggered in from the eyes of the robot behemoth.
Don’t leave the candlestick and others with a black line. I always feel that there is a dimensional gap between them and forgetting dust. That guy’s powerful roots are not like human beings.
"Hey, what are you waiting for?" Forgetting the dust called a crowd and hurriedly followed it. After entering the entrance, forgetting the dust and looking back at the machine beast destroyed the body without life energy breath, but the eyes of the machine gave people an ominous feeling.
But there was no other accident. They soon entered the important entrance of the royal chamber of secrets.
But it wasn’t long before they passed, a figure appeared here and looked at the messy machine beast. He didn’t know how a stream of blood cut his finger. The blood was low, and the dim light machine eyes were suddenly and violently shot! ! !
Chapter two hundred and sixty-nine Magic Day Bow
The ancient royal family!
"Woo hoo hoo! !”
Rushing figure, hurried pace, forgetting dust after entering the mysterious passage, but behind them, it seemed as if a beast had roared and echoed throughout the royal family for a long time.
Suddenly looking back, I can find out what happened on the way, but it is not difficult to imagine that maybe the machine beast found them fleeing and roared at the moment.
At the end of this road, I don’t know the way to the right side, but let them be careful not to ask the sky, the snow and the road.
On the contrary, I walked ahead with a relaxed face and couldn’t help laughing and said to them, "Don’t be suspicious. I have checked the surrounding situation and there is no danger."
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they still didn’t relax. Although they believed in forgetting the dust, who can guarantee that there was no accident?
But they did not encounter any other dangers along the way.
This made the four friends stunned. After all, although they said that they had forgotten the dust, this fate guy saved them a lot of unnecessary trouble and avoided danger, but it was too easy after this.
However, it is still dangerous to forget the facts all the way. If it is not for their own ability, few people will be able to go to the machine beast, and it is almost impossible to get through the machine beast by brute force according to the royal family’s foundation. However, the desert people obviously didn’t expect that someone would make efforts in this, and they didn’t expect that there would be such a B-level figure who forgot the dust.